Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 12, 2016 On Leaving the Blog

Hello Readers.

There is a certain sense of   joy  in having had 2 grandmothers in my life as a  child and young adult. One, my dad’s mother, lived in the country when I was young.  I have walked past   her  home  (long abandoned  now) and recalled the soft sound of the radio,  and the slapping of the screen door and  often accompanied by the scent of a pot of strawberry jam on the stove. 

My other grandmother, on my mother’s side and the recipient of the blog’s letters lived “in town” by the time I was born and until she passed away.  I have imagined my grandmother sitting with her needlework in front of a window, casually pushing aside the sheer white curtain that has come between her needle and fabric on the summer's breeze. That was a scene played over many summers during my childhood and not forgotten. I have found myself intensely interested in a past to which even 20 years ago, I probably would not have given a second thought. Had it not been for the gift of my mother’s letters, I would surely be lacking in something of my own to provide for the future. And now, I'm bidding the proverbial fond farewell, at least in theory, to the past that I've shared with you for the last 4 years, and I do so with the hope that it has been received as a gift. 

Although the blog is dedicated to the now and future children in my family, it is for everyone and it is everyone that I thank for taking the time to enjoy some or all of the letters. I am in awe of those of you who have read from the beginning, through the ongoing saga of the price of eggs during the War, through the lengthy tomes from Japan and to the stitch by stitch account of the Bicentennial Quilt Show! You have my complete gratitude!  

Many of you have been asking, "Whatever became of your Mom & Dad after your grandmother died?" And so that is the question I will answer in a few final posts.  I hope you will return for a few days to learn the rest of the story through my letters, ones that might have been, and proof positive of a life well-lived.

Lots of love,

NOTE: If this is your first visit, here is the first letter:


  1. This blog was an enormous task for you, Ann, but your love for your parents and grandparents shone through. It's been a real privilege for me to have shared in this and I look forward to your epilogue!
    Thank you kindly!

    1. Mike, thanks so much for being a part of our blog family through your wonderful comments, shared memories and thoughtful encouragement! You are appreciated more than you know.

  2. What a fun ride this has been. Looking forward to the end of the story.

    1. Thanks so much, Pam. Your grandmother's story, and the way you have honored her (as well as your mother) through the development of your shops is pretty amazing! You have found the perfect way to keep their story alive. We are both fortunate to have had such great women in our lives. I'm glad you've enjoyed this "ride" and thanks again.

  3. Ann, I started reading your fascinating blog rather late but haved enjoyed each one. I haven't left a comment on each post but have always found something of interest. I shall miss them.

    1. Thanks so much, David. When your "40s Boy" blog ended, I missed reading about your childhood adventures. I'm glad you still have your Lincolnshire Cam!


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