Monday, February 8, 2016

February 9, 1974 The Better Weather, The Older Women, The Oil Company Profits, The Summer Dress and The Book Club

Dear Mother,

"Here I am under the hair dryer again, but I'm at home this time. I never go to a beauty shop unless I need a permanent and sometimes a haircut. My hair is so hard to curl now that it takes a half day to get a permanent.

The weather is bad again and I guess yours is too. Today seems better, though, with the sun out so maybe the temperature will go up a bit.

I gave my quilt program again Thursday but sure hated to get out that day. The Mustang was covered with ice when we got up and it took over an hour to get the windows cleared but by afternoon it was pretty nice outside and there was just slush on the streets. There is still ice on the walk though.

There was a club meeting notice in the paper listing my program so I've been getting calls about it. I've been asked to give it three more times but one can't be until next fall. In March I'm giving it for the Golden Age Club which should be real interesting. I don't know much about the group except it is for anyone over 60 so I suppose that includes men. It should be fun for the older women will have a lot to add about their quilts.

I had a letter from Polly yesterday. She and her husband live in Chicago and she sounded real happy. Her Dad is still unable to work but is doing all right. The cast is off now but the bones of one foot are all fused together and the doctor is going to take out a bone in the big toe so it will bend and he can get his shoe on. Right now, he can't get anything on that foot. The bones were all so crushed he is lucky to have a foot. It hurts pretty much but he has to walk on it so it will get well. He uses a cane and hobbles around in the house.

I talked to Polly's mother yesterday. My quilting lady has done a quilt for her and I wish she'd get back to me. She has so many I will just have to wait.

Keep your house warm no matter what your gas costs. Hospital bills would be more. This fuel business and trucking business is a mess. I don't blame the truckers half as much as the oil companies. There is a long article in the Consumers about the oil company profits and it makes me boil to think of it. We gave 51¢ plus tax for cut rate gasoline this week for the Mustang. No wonder the truckers are mad. The government always seems to support the moneyed groups, though, so the truckers are catching it.

Our woodpile is still holding out and we have enjoyed the fireplace. I'd really like to use up the old wood for some of it is several years old & full of bugs, I guess.

My suit is finally done and I have a red blouse and a gold colored one I can wear with it but it still is awfully light colored. I guess the weather will determine when I can wear it.

The while dress I made from the one Charlotte gave me is all done but the hem and some braid trim. I may have to refit it a bit because it seemed pretty tight yesterday. I think I'll just wait until summer to finish it and then I can tell better what needs to be done to it. I might lose a little by then. The braid will spruce it up and I think I'll get red/white/blue of some kind. It goes around the sleeves, neckline & around an inset belt.

I cut out another light summer dress this morning but may not touch it again until this summer. I had started to cut out some cheap sale material and found flaws all over it so didn't want to spend time on that. I'll use the material to line a lace tablecloth I have so it won't be wasted. It looks like tiny ink spots on the material so it must have been a poor dye mix. It would show in a dress but won't under the lace. The lace cloth is green & the material is gold so it will be pretty.

My book club met here last Monday so I have one more group to entertain and then it will be about time to start over.

It is about lunch time so I'd better stop and fix something. Hope you are fine. We talked to the children last week and all were fine. Ann had been sick a week with a bad throat but was planning to go back to school on Monday. She had seen a doctor and was getting o.k."



NOTE:  The clipping included in the letter doesn't have any notations on it.

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