Thursday, September 12, 2013

December 8, 1957 Bonnie Skips Sunday S., B Has a Church Meeting, Faculty Women are Having a Tea, Quill Club Meets Thursday and Bobby Needs a Nightcap

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I feel guilty for I sent everyone else to Sunday S. and I stayed home.  I'm so far behind with everything I thought I might get a few things done.  I had to teach S.S. last Sunday & will have to again next Sunday.  That takes a lot of preparation for it isn't run like we used to.  The children make things, play & have stories just like regular school.

B has a church committee meeting this afternoon and there is a carol sing at church tonight that I'd like to go to but I doubt if we can.

Our potluck group met here last night & we had a real nice time.  My table was white with the blue & silver centerpiece I told you we made.  Sorensens sent us a beautiful poinsettia plant.  I was so thrilled.  After supper Woody showed some movies he took 20 years ago--one had Hitler in it.  They were very interesting.

We have our house all Christmasy now.  I wanted it decorated for last night so we got our tree Friday.  It is a beautiful slender tree that touches the ceiling.

The next two weeks are going to fly by.  It makes me tired to even think of the things coming up.  Bob's & Ann's rooms will have separate Xmas programs because there are so many children this year.  They have always had one big program and used all the children but this year they are dividing the grades into three groups.  Ann's room will be flowers in the Nutcracker Suite (the Xmas ballet) but I don't know just how they plan to do it.  I spent a morning at school making costumes.  Since I'm room mother I had to get a committee together, plan the costumes & get the materials.  We got them made.  Bob has to have a nightcap so I'll have to make that & I promised to make one for another little boy.  His mother doesn't have a machine & she is Bob's Cub Scout Den Mother so I thought I could do that much for her.  It won't take long.

The Faculty Women's Club is having a Xmas tea Tuesday afternoon.  I'm on the committee which means cookies to take.  I may go for a little while but can't stay all afternoon.

Quill Club meets Thursday night and our women's group at church meets Mon. night.  I'm still waiting to hear from my manuscript and haven't done anymore on it or any other writing.  I guess I'll be secretary of Quill Club next year.  Their year starts in Jan.  I told them I didn't want to but would do it if they didn't find someone else.  They called me back so I guess I'm it.

Ann's permanent did real well and she is so proud of it.  My hair looks terrible but I don't know what to do about it.

I wish Daddy could have his eyes checked here.  I think they would help him.  My exam cost $10. and my glasses were $17.  Sometimes the exam is a little more & of course the glasses vary in price.  Bob's lenses were $11. and they used the same frames.

I want to make some cookies to take to Buddy's and I've tried to think of something else but just can't.  Maybe I'll still think of something.  I'm going to write to Bessie today.  I can make some cranberry relish--that will keep real well.  I'll tell her that.

B could have a week or so at Xmas but with this meeting on campus he'll have to be here.  They are all disgusted about it but no one can help it.  We'll have our usual Xmas eve party at Belshe's and drive to Buddy's Xmas morning.  Then on home that evening.  I think.  We'll have a month next summer & probably in July.

Hope you both are fine.  I'll write again next week."

                        Lots of love,


NOTES:  Both cranberry recipes are easy, tried and true.  All images are from the Ladies Home Journal, December, 1957.


  1. Ann The Old Fashioned Molasses Cookies are just like our ANZAC Biscuits which were made during WWI and WWII and sent to our Aussie Diggers overseas as a little piece of home.

  2. I have never made this recipe, but I'm curious. Are they crispy? I can't figure out what the texture might be. So glad to hear from you as usual! Are ANZAC Biscuits still available?

  3. Oh yes Ann ANZAC Biscuits are commercially available with some of the proceeds going to the Returned Soldiers Funds. They are very popular around ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day particularly. I would say most Aussie kitchens make ANZAC biscuits from time to time. The texture can be chewy or crisp as it all depends on how hot your oven is and how long they are cooked. An extra minute or two can make for a Brandy Snap type of texture. I have a lovely recipe from a Blog I follow which uses an egg or two (depending on the size of the egg) in the mixture and the texture of this is very chewy and very more-ish indeed. If you like I can send you my ANZAC Biscuit recipe and the one called Barbara's Nutties named after the Blogger's Mother. The original ANZAC Biscuits made during the WWI and WWII were made without eggs because eggs were very scarce. I like both recipes. Both are very easy to make and are very nice with a cup of tea :-)

  4. Oh yes, I would love the recipes when you have a chance, but no rush. They sound nice for Thanksgiving and tea. Thanks very much! I look forward to trying a batch.


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