Wednesday, September 26, 2012

May 17, 1952 The Kindergarten Party, The Crinkled Nylon, The Paint Progress, Church, Television and A Real Monkey

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Rain again.  I wish you had some of it for your strawberries.  We have had a week of it and cold weather and Bob is so tired of staying in.  We got new sand and the new hasn't worn off yet so they stay in the sandbox every minute they can.

We went to a party for children and parents who plan to go to kindergarten next year.  We had a sitter for Ann but Bob got to go.  They showed a colored movie of activities for a day.  It was a wonderful movie and Bob knew some of the children in it so that was better.  Then they served punch and cookies.  It was all nice and Bobby really enjoyed himself.  He is anxious to go to school.

Wards has had nylon (crinkled) on sale for 1.49 a yard.  It is beautiful and is 45" wide.  Would you want some if they still have it?  They have had navy and black besides the brighter colors.

My painting isn't getting very far.  It has been so cold and we've had to have the house closed up so I haven't done any until last night.  I painted the walls in the living room just like it was.  We hadn't intended to do this but it looked so bad in places.  I guess I'll go ahead and paint woodwork next week whether it rains or not.  I haven't decided what I'll do about drapes for the dining room yet.

I went to church Sunday but I don't think I'll go there anymore.  It was interesting of course, but not my kind of worship.  I'll take an ordinary service any day.

I still haven't seen anything on television.  It must be nice the way people talk about it but we want to wait a while before getting one.  If you get one do you still want B to build your radio?  Where will you put two cabinets?

We haven't cut Ann's hair at all.  It is almost to her waist when it's wet and still turns up softly on the ends.  Everyone comments on it and it is so glossy when it is clean.  I don't braid it because it breaks it so badly.  I tried it for two or three days and when I brushed it out it just was straight as could be.  She talks every minute and is a real monkey.  When she thinks she's being cute or funny she yells, "Looka ooka, Mommy".  I still can't keep her clothes on her--especially shoes and sox.

Hope you are both fine.

                        Lots of love,


Is Jerry's birthday the 27th?"

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