Tuesday, September 18, 2012

March 15, 1952 The Obligation Dinner, Hiding Bottles, Trying Another Coat and The Pottery Class

Ash tray made by Bonnie, 1952
 Dear Mother & Daddy,    

"Last night we went to a big dinner party so didn't get our letters written.  Two couples went together and had a dinner for 36 people at a hotel.  They are having another one tonight.  That is an easy but expensive way of paying off obligation dinners I guess, but it is lots more fun to have small dinners in homes.

We are trying to take Ann's bottles away from her and she hasn't had a daytime bottle in several days.  We give her the night ones for she simply won't go back to sleep.  We tried offering crackers or a cup of milk but she just begged for a bottle.  Maybe when she gets used to going all day without one and really gets filled up she will sleep all night.  She had got so she didn't eat but a very few bites and then wanted her bottle.  Sometimes she'd want two bottles.  She was filling up on milk and it didn't stay with her.  Since we hid the bottle she eats real well and if she keeps on she will soon start sleeping, I know.  We quit asking the Dr. for help on her sleeping long ago.  They all said we'd just have to hope she'd stop waking.  We have tried everything we can think of and maybe this will do the trick.

It looks so warm out but is really cold.  We bought a used high chair this morning and took the tray off so Ann can sit at the table with us.  She does real well and has been sitting on Bob's stool but he's uncomfortable on a chair.  We can strap her into the high chair too so she can't fall out.

B is taking Bob to the circus at school tonight.  It is quite a big affair and Bob is so excited he can hardly wait.

I have washed our woodwork but it didn't help much for the paint is chipped in so many places.  There are too many coats of paint, I imagine, but I'm going to try another one.

B hopes to teach this summer but we won't actually know till then, I guess.  We hadn't planned to come home until August.  We will have more time then.   Although Jim wrote that he couldn't drive his family up here, we still have hopes that he may change his mind and bring them at Easter.  We are making plans to go to Alabama in June sometime.  I don't know when.  Wheelers have a Pontiac but Jim has thyroid trouble and his blood pressure gets so low that he doesn't have any strength for anything.

The pottery class is lots of fun.  The pieces we make are fairly small--no big vases or flower pots.  I have made a candy jar and some ash trays.  They have to be glazed yet and you can never be sure they will be any good until that is done.  Sometimes they blow up if there is an air bubble in the clay.  If I get anything nice, I'll bring a piece home sometime.

Pottery pieces Bonnie made in the class, 1952

The maple sounds nice for the cabinet.  Have you planned it or where you'll put it?

I don't plan getting any new clothes for spring.  I can wear the checked suit I made and the green coat I made.  I may need a dress but haven't thought much about it.  I have enough hats from last year but am going to have to have some gloves.

B is ready to mail this so bye for now."

                     Lots of love,



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