Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Bobby's big day is over and he is enjoying his presents. We had some children in for cake and ice-cream and they were all so good and had a wonderful time. We got Bobby a bigger tricycle and have had some days real warm and sunny so he has already got to ride it on the sidewalk. He has had the scooter out too and does real well with it. Lynn insists that she wants one for her birthday. We had told Bobby that he could go to kindergarten when he was four so he thought he could go right now. It took some explaining to make him understand that he couldn't go until next fall. Yesterday was Janice Rine's birthday too so Bobby and Lynn went over there for supper last night. Bobby was so excited after such a big day that he couldn't go to sleep until after 9:30 last night.
Good Housekeeping, Aug., 1951 |
Our washer is fixed at last and I am caught up with my dirty clothes. I have been trying to do a little extra about cleaning everyday but don't seem to get very far. Every time I clean one thing it shows up dirt somewhere else.
What does the old chest look like with all the paint off? Is it Birdseye Maple? I always did want to know what was under all that paint.
Ann has done better the last two nights. I can't figure out what is wrong with her at night. She simply throws a tantrum and we have tried everything we can think of including taking her to bed with us. That just makes her madder. She just climbed on my lap so you probably can't read this.
I must get to work--still have my P.Js on."
Lots of love,
NOTE: A total of 21 towns in Illinois broke records for high temperatures on Jan. 19, 1952. Temperatures ranged from 58 to a balmy 72 degrees.[]=IL#records_look_up Other parts of the country weren't so lucky, setting record lows.
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