Dear Mother & Daddy,
"It's almost cool enough for a fire. It has rained almost all week and I guess you read about the tornado that did so much damage near Decatur.
We are still trying to get things straightened up. B & Jim installed the automatic water heater last night so maybe we can get the basement cleaned up now.
Toni's baby was born at 2 o'clock Monday morning and then Watty left about 10:00 on Tuesday morning. They were glad, I think, that the baby came before he left even if he did have to leave her in the hospital. The baby is a boy and they called him William Morse. Toni's sister is here with the children and they are doing real well. Lynn doesn't say anything much about it but acts so lonesome. Toni will be home Sunday.
We all miss Steve. We had a real nice time with B's folks but didn't have time to do much but visit. B took them over to see the school and they walked over the campus. Then we rode around town.
Ann is doing better. Her teeth really shine now so maybe she won't be so cross for a while.
My legs are still better but I haven't taken any anti-histamine in several days and am getting some welts on my arms and neck again. I can't imagine what causes it.
We haven't done much this week except work. This place is very comfortable and it is so nice to be downstairs. I hope you will both come to see us sometime this summer."
Lots of love,
NOTE: On June 27, 1951, a tornado caused 35 injuries, destroyed 2 farms and caused over $300,000. in damages.
July 7, 1951
Dear Mother & Daddy,

Bobby is as good as usual and Ann is as cross as usual. She has two bottles of milk every night and several drinks. I don't see why she's so restless. She really is growing. We got new shoes for her with stiff soles and it won't be long before she walks. She climbs the steps as fast as I take her down so B put up a gate at the foot. Then she tried to climb under but couldn't make it. We plan to put a gate at the top too since I have to shut her in a room if I'm working upstairs. We have one on the porch, too. They certainly save a lot of running and worrying.

I cut my thumb pretty badly Wed. evening. I was opening a can and released it from the opener before I had a good hold on it. It slipped thru my hand and the lid took a big slice into my thumb. It makes me so clumsy and I can't do much with my hands but it is much better today and I can use it a little. It has started to heal.
Summer sales are just beginning now. I got a nice cotton dress for 3.00 yesterday. Of course, I couldn't get there to look at the sales goods until late so couldn't find but one. They had lots for $7.00 but I didn't want to give that much.
What did you do the Fourth? We just worked around the house most of the day. B & Jim made a work bench for the basement.
Your letter hasn't come yet but probably will tomorrow."
Lots of love,
NOTES: Toni's husband, Watty, was going on a field trip of ISNU geography students to Europe.
Good Housekeeping, July, 1951, featured a "Gallery of Gadgets". Making its exciting debut, was the potato peeler.
And in spite of the possibility of a truce in Korea, continued cold war concerns dominate the news.
Read Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day column of July 9, 1951 for her comments which conclude with a humorous anecdote.
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