Thursday, July 12, 2012

November 12, 1949 Meetings, Slipcovers, Overalls, Jabbering and Re-potting

Dear Mother,  Daddy & Grandma,

"We haven't had your letter yet this week but Saturdays always seem so busy.  This week has been a busy one too.  Tonight is the first night this week that we have both been home.  I went to a show one night and B was at school for different things the other nights.  Yesterday afternoon I went to an organizational meeting of a University Newcomers Club from 3-5:00.  Bobby did fine with the sitter and I was so pleased.  That is the first afternoon that I have been gone since she started coming.  We are going to a dinner party tomorrow night but hope to have him asleep before we have to go.

We have decided not to come home Thanksgiving.  It is so close to Christmas vacation and we have such a few days.  If the weather is nice we may go to Chicago for a day or two.

I finally got the slipcover practically done and it is so pretty.  I wanted navy cording but couldn't find it so finally used red fringe like the curtains.  It matched real well so you know how bright the cover is.  I made Bobby a pair of corduroy overalls this week too and then it got too warm to wear them.

Bobby is fine and almost talks my arm off sometimes.  Much of it is jabbering but there are enough understandable words so you know what he's talking about.  He still likes us to read to him and sits so still.

I re-potted the caladium and it never came up so I guess it is gone but I'll save the bulbs anyway and maybe they'll come up next spring.  My little ivy is really pretty, though.  A lot of leaves dropped off when we brought it inside but it is growing now and so green.  I'm soon going to have to re-pot it.

Your letter came this morning and I'll try to see about the china soon.  It will probably take the whole 11.00 for the place setting counting tax, but I'll do what I can.

Hope you all three are feeling fine and we'll see you Christmas."

              Lots of love,

                   B, Bonnie & Bobby

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