Monday, June 25, 2012

March 12, 1949 Appreciating Sunshine and Aprons, Cured With A Perm, Invited to the PTA and Answering Xmas Letters

Warm enough?
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Another beautiful day but it is cold.  I really appreciate the sunshine.  I'm glad we didn't get any of that snow that you had.

Yes, I have the new Journal and will send it to you as soon as I read it and Tony always reads it, too, so it may be quite a while.

I sent Grandma a card and wrote a letter.  Isn't it amazing that she can be so old?

Yes, I got the aprons from Beulah and appreciated them.  I guess she remembered what I said about wanting some more like that but didn't want to make them.  I have six now and that's plenty.

The dressing I had was made just like you make it but I guess I wasn't careful about keeping it in the refrigerator all the time.  We sure were sick and so weak for several days.  I read later that dressing was one of the easiest things to spoil and cause ptomaine.

Bobby is fine and feels better now.  The other stomach tooth is through and his appetite has picked up again.  He never did stop eating but didn't want as much as usual.  Now he wants to taste everything we start to eat.  We gave him a bit of dill pickle the other day and he wanted it so he shivered and chewed it up.  We laughed and laughed.  Foods don't seem to bother him now at all and he can even eat peas and green beans.

We think we'll be home in June.  B has some Easter vacation but we can't come both times so we think June would be better.

After looking all over Bloomington for me some shoes I came home and ordered some from Wards.  They came this morning and are fine.  B ordered some too but they didn't come with mine and we got some for Bobby here at the Wards stores.  They couldn't fit me.

We had a scare this week.  Lynn fell off the coffee table and hit her head on the frame of the couch.  She cried but seemed all right for about two hours.  Then she began to vomit.  The fall may not have caused her to be sick for she's cutting teeth and she was all right the next day but we were scared enough to call the doctor.  We gave her a permanent and she looks so cute.  

Tony and I went to a PTA meeting.  We enjoyed it and even if Bobby doesn't go to school, I hope they ask us again. 

We are invited to two dinners this week.  One is being given by Gladys's friend and another woman.  The other dinner is at the Home Management house at school.  It is a two-apartment house where Home Economics majors live for a year.  They have to run it like it was their home--do all the cooking, cleaning, shopping and all.  They have to entertain so many times and this is the first time we have gone.

The house we wanted has been rented so we'll have to look somewhere else.  Friends of ours got it and they haven't any children.  Maybe that helped them get it.

Tell Beulah I'll write one of these days.  I'm still trying to answer Xmas letters."

                 Lots of love,

                       B, Bonnie & Bobby

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