Saturday, June 23, 2012

February 5, 1949 The Beautiful Day, The Yelling, The Running, The Laughing and A Picnic

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's a beautiful day even if there is a good-sized snow on the ground.  I'm thankful the ice is finally gone there.  It is so dangerous and maybe you can go someplace now.

Bobby has been so good all week that I've gotten more things done than I have in a long time.  He seems to feel so good for he runs and laughs all the time.  Now that he walks so well, he is beginning to talk more.  For a while he didn't seem to even try.  I wish you could have seen him at supper last night.  He had started to eat when I took some cheese out of the refrigerator.  He saw it and squealed "cheese" and began to reach.  He wouldn't eat anything else till it was all gone.  No matter how big a piece I gave him he'd stuff it all in his mouth and yell "cheese". 

I've been trying to wash curtains too.  I just hate soft coal and cooking with gas makes sticky, black dirt on curtains too.

My fingernail finally came off.  It is growing fast and hasn't given me any trouble.  The undernail is so soft that it turns back easily so I keep it taped part of the time.  I didn't even know when the nail came off.

The Wattersons have gone to a wedding so we have Lynn for the afternoon.  She is asleep now and we're wondering what will happen when she discovers they are gone.

The babies are awake so I probably can't write anymore.  I'm glad Jerry is better.  I must write to Beulah soon.  How are your glasses?  Are Daddy's headaches gone?

Wish you could sit and watch these babies.  It's a picnic."

           Lots of love,

               B, Bonnie & Bobby

NOTE from Ann:  To read any or all of B's article, Philosophy of Education:  For Academic Long-Hairs or Modern Teachers? ( The Alumni Quarterly, Feb. 5, 1949) use the link below:

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