Sunday, June 24, 2012

February 19, 1949 Cleaned, Mopped and Waxed, Sheared and Itch-Free and The Change of Scenery

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"The day is almost gone and I'm just getting around to this.  We've worked like everything today and finally got the upstairs all cleaned and the kitchen mopped and waxed.  We have invited four people for a little dinner party Monday night so I want to get the house fairly clean this weekend.

Bobby had a birthday yesterday and got his first haircut today.  Tony cut it and he was good as could be and really looks like a boy now.  His hair was getting shaggy around the back and it made his ears itch.

Tonight we are going to a party at school and Tony is going to a dinner party so we are having a baby sitter together.

I had a letter from Edith Swann in New Britain this week.  It was 10 pages and she really told all the news.  We really enjoyed it.  We also had a letter from B's Aunt Ione that lives up by Peoria.  They were asking us to come up so we plan to go some Sunday.

Seems like I haven't done much this week.  I still haven't sewed any on my housecoat.  We went to the show one night and by the time I wash and iron the week is practically gone.

We've had two wonderful spring days.  They say it is getting colder, though, so I guess we'll still have winter.

No, I never hear Lonnie Ross but I'll listen if you tell me when he's on.  I just happened to hear the Breakfast Club one morning this week and they had a 11 year old that could really sing.

Tony and I took the kids and went to town one afternoon.  We put the strollers behind the seat and then don't have to carry the babies.  They were good as could be and probably enjoyed the change of scenery as much as we did.

It's getting late and we have to take the children for a walk or they will raise Cain so bye for now."

         Lots of love,

            B, Bonnie & Bobby

NOTE from Ann:  The Breakfast Club was a popular radio program which first began in the early 30's  and was aired on live TV in 1948.  To see a clip:

B's Aunt Ione began painting in oils late in life.  The painting above, "Almond Blossoms", was done in 1971 at 79 years of age.

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