Friday, June 29, 2012

April 30, 1949 The Awful House, Chickens in the Basement, The Busy Week and The Yale Man

Bonnie and the CT dogwood, June 1948
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"There is a redbud tree just outside our dining room windows and it is just full of bloom.  It is the first one I've seen in years for we didn't have them in Conn.  We haven't seen any dogwood yet.

We went to see that house and it was so awful we didn't know what to think.  It has been rumored that we can have it and I guess we'll take it but it sure will take a lot of work to fix it up.  Maybe when the dirt gets out of it, it won't be so bad.  The people have a battery of chickens in the basement among a lot of junk.  It is arranged nicely with a 12x15 kitchen.  The living room and dining room are big too.  There are 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs.  There is no yard around the house to amount to anything but there is a full lot to the side that belongs to the place so that could be made a play yard.  Maybe one of these days we'll be taking the cedar chest and that rocking chair you said we could have.

This has been a busy week.  B gave a talk at a dinner meeting Wed. night of the fraternity he recently joined.   Thurs. night I went to the Women's Faculty Club spring dinner and last night we went to a program at school.  We plan to drive to Peoria tomorrow afternoon for a short visit with B's Aunt Ione.

My tablecloth is ready to be washed and blocked at last.  I've been making Bobby some overalls and have them done except for the buttonholes.  They are easy to make.

I have a new white straw tam trimmed with a little black.  It's nice.

Yes, B knew the Yale man in New Haven but met him after we went to New Britain.  I had never met him.

We should know about the house in June probably.

My topper still hasn't come but I had a card saying the order would be delayed.  They must have been out of them.

Hope you are both fine."

               Lots of love,

                      B, Bonnie & Bobby

NOTE from Ann:  April 30, 1949 marked the 10th anniversary of television's availability to the general public.   Watch some of the WNBT (New York) anniversary program, highlighting broadcast events over the decade, including the first broadcast.

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