Dear Mother,
"It is such a beautiful morning. We just finished breakfast and plan to work in the yard today. There are iris and ferns I want to move away from the foundation before the men start working on the waterproofing. He said they'd come in a week or so and we want to be ready. There are two big evergreens they will lift out and set back for us. I don't know whether they will survive or not but the man said they'd do this for us.
We have had a good frost this week and the leaves are beautiful. I'd like to take a ride around the lake before they are all fallen. I couldn't stand to see my white geranium freeze so I dug it up and potted it. It is so big it wilted right away but looks now as if it will live. My flower pots look pretty bad but I may take the paint brush to them like you always did. I used a wire brush on them but it didn't help.
I finally finished my dresses this week except for getting a belt buckle for one.
I had my hair cut Wednesday then spent all morning yesterday giving myself a permanent. I'm terribly slow about it and the woman had cut the bottom row so short I had a time rolling that up. It looks fine, though, and is certainly as good as I can get at the beauty shop.
The director of the art gallery at the university called me this week and we're going to start planning the quilt show next Tuesday. I haven't any idea how we'll go about it.
We haven't heard from Ann but I know she is swamped with work. She said it is not hard and real interesting but lots of it.
I wish we could bring your little radio but I haven't any idea when we can come again. B says it costs practically nothing to run that little radio so you aren't saving anything by not having it.
Next week is so full I dread it but I guess it will be o.k. I give a book review and a program. I'm trying to get my program out of the way early so I'll have time for the quilt project.
Hope you are fine and that you are enjoying beautiful weather."
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