Friday, April 1, 2016

December 29, 1974 The Christmas Storm, The Second Time, The Ugly Weather, The Worn Out Heart and The Christmas Stockings

Dear Mother,

"We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day as we did. Although Ann & Bob didn't plan to come until Christmas day they changed their minds after they got in the car and came this way instead of going to Marshall first because of the direction of the storm. They ended up in a storm anyway and their car was coated with ice when they got here. They also changed their plans about going home when storm warnings started coming over the radio late Thursday afternoon. Icy roads were predicted for Friday so they left right after supper. We hated for them to drive at night but didn't want them on icy roads too. They called back about 1:00 a.m. and were home. The trip had not been bad except for some ice around St. Louis.

Ann looked good and acted good. She still coughs and still takes medicine. She had pneumonia for the second time although it was a different kind. In about six weeks, when all infection is gone, she is to go back to the hospital and they are going to do something where they can look into the lungs and be sure all is o.k.

Bob went back to work the day after Christmas but Pat stayed and he will be back tonight. All of us are going to Bones for dinner. He has to be back at the hospital at 3:00 tomorrow so we'll have an early dinner.

Pat and I ran some errands yesterday and then went to a coffee.

The weather is ugly--icy one minute & slushy the next and cloudy.

I hope Aunt Beatrice is better but I don't see how she could be. Her heart must be just worn out. They have had such a time for so long.

I sent Aunt Nora a birthday card but I didn't think she was quite 80. I gave her some stockings for Christmas and just guessed at the size so I hope they fit.

We still have the tree up for I just haven't had time to take it down.

I'd better get the bed made and get dressed so let's all hope next year will be a good year for the world."



Dear Readers, 

Thank you for your comments, emails, cards and encouragement, and for reading another year of letters. I hope to see you back in 1975. You will notice that the letters of 1975 were saved with less regularity and some weeks are missing. 

Happy New Year and yes, let's hope next year will be a good year for the world!




  1. Thanks for posting, Ann! Your mom must have been one of the nicest people ever and I still enjoy the trip down memory lane. You've provided me with a great "index" of sorts. Where was I in December 1974? So, yeah, I'll be here for your 1975 posts. And I hope you got over the pneumonia!

  2. Gosh, thank you for your great comments! My mom was the nicest person ever and I think lots of people felt that way. I think many readers are reading for the "index" as you call it, and it's the same for our family as well. There is something very comforting in the ordinary! Two different types of pneumonia, 15 hours of graduate classes each week and 40+ weekly hours of teaching was a bit much, but at the time I didn't think so. Beginning teachers often catch every bug there is during the first couple of years. Thankfully, I worked for 38 more years with only 3 sick days:-) Go figure. Thanks again for your always great memories! See you next year.

  3. 1975 is a fairly good year family wise. ;)

    But really I'm waiting for '77!

  4. Hi Bubbie! There are only a handful of '77 letters:-( But believe me, I'm waiting for them as well!


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