Tuesday, February 16, 2016

April 6, 1974 The Apricot Tree, The Funnel Clouds, The Beautiful Roses, The Two Leaves and The Spoon River Anthology

Dear Mother,

"Well, tomorrow is your birthday and I hope it is a nice, happy day. We have beautiful sunshine today but it is chilly as it has been all week. The apricot tree next door looks as if it is ready to pop into bloom but I wonder if there will be anything on it at all since we have had another freeze.

This has been a strange week. The day of the bad storms was awfully dark but I didn't get scared. The wind never did blow very hard but I kept the radio on. Funnel clouds were sighted several places fairly close but they all turned away from Normal, thank goodness.

I'm glad you are getting some trimming done. Maybe if he cuts that cardinal bush back it will come out from the roots. He should be able to tell if any of the branches are alive. It should have leaves by now if it is alive. Roses are beautiful but I sure hate the thorns. We have only the wild ones in the back and I'd get rid of them if I could. When we moved here our neighbors told us how much they loved them and since the bushes are on the property line I can't cut them down.

We finally got our kitchen set that we ordered in December. It came Thursday and is real pretty. The legs are chrome. The table has a walnut like formica top and the chairs are bright yellow. It sure brightens up the kitchen and I like it. The table has 2 leaves so it is big enough for all of us to eat around when the children are home. It was all packed in cartons as it came from the factory so it had to be unpacked and cleaned up.

That seems to be about all I've gotten done this week. My book club met on Monday & then another club met Thursday afternoon. I did get my ironing done.

We didn't hear from the kids this week. Pat's mother may be visiting them. She was to come before long but I've forgotten just when it was.

We went to a play last night at school. It was Spoon River Anthology and real good. This has been poetry week and there has been a lot going on but that's the only thing we attended. There is always so much going on--too much.

I hope your package has arrived. Sorry you didn't get it before you bought more quilt blocks. Just put them away. You may decide you want something to work on some day and you'll have them."



NOTE:  Below is the full audiobook of Spoon River Anthology if interested, but be sure and read the brief description.

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