Saturday, August 23, 2014

May 30, 1964 The Wonderful One, The Flying Flags, The Rolls, The Big Affairs and In the Steps of Paul

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Today is a wonderful one after some real cold ones.  We have had the furnace on.  We need rain so badly it is pitiful.  The ground is so hard and the grass looks dry.  My flowers are still pretty but some of the plants are awfully wilted.

We have a new flag flying today.  I felt so ashamed this morning when I saw all the flags up & down the street.  Later some boys came by selling them & they even put it up.  I told them they were real smart to go around with them today.  I had seen their ad in the paper but just didn't do anything about ordering one.  It is real nice & on a nice bracket.

I have been working on Pen Women business today--trying to get things done before vacations start.  I am making rolls too, for a potluck supper tonight.

B has been working in the yard and the kids are off playing.  Bob is playing golf with Malcolm on the new course the school built.

I have been wondering if I ever thanked you for the lovely graduation card & the money you sent Ann. She is usually pretty prompt with thank you notes but she has been on the jump this spring.  I have a terrible feeling that we never mentioned it.

I finished my blue dress and it is real pretty.  Ann's big affairs begin next week & her two dresses have to be finished up.  Then I'm going to make myself a seersucker suit.  I may be sewing the night before we leave.  No, I won't do that but I'm going to let the things go for awhile until I finish my sewing.

I am trying to read a book before we start our trip.  It is In the Steps of Paul and about the places he knew.  We will be in a lot of those places.  I have re-read Paul's letters but I hope I can learn a lot more from the minister who will be with us.  That month we have will just be a taste of what we could see & learn. The more I read the less I know about it all.

I wrote to Buddy & Bessie yesterday & I want to write to Beulah in a few days. Did Jerry ever get the flies Bob made for him?  I can't remember.

Hope both of you are fine."

                       Lots of love,


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