Monday, December 9, 2013

September 26, 1959 The Almost All Done Bathroom, The Pictures of Africa, The Church Basement and The Stamp Collection

 Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm late getting this written but just couldn't get it done.  It has been a busy week and I can't see that there will be much let up for a long time.  I ironed off and on all week and finally finished Thursday night.

Wards sent my money back for the dress but I did get the orlon suit.  It is a tiny check that gives a gray effect and has a big collar.  The skirt was too big so I fitted it but it was an awful job and I would never have attempted it if I'd thought I could find a dress in Bloomington.  But it is all done now and I made a white linen collar to put over the big collar.  It looks nice and I'll wear it to the tea for new faculty people tomorrow.

We went to a dinner last night and Woody showed pictures of Africa that he took this summer.  They were so interesting but I'd like to see a lot more of them.  Edna was there last night and she said she felt all right but she looked sick.  The doctor thinks her thyroid may be causing her trouble.

Our church basement will be done soon.  They have enough tile down that we can take the children down there tomorrow.  We are planning our big money making supper for October so I've been working on that.  I went to a meeting about it at the church last Sunday afternoon and it took all afternoon. 

It was nice to get your note but I didn't mean for you to write right back.  I had just been thinking about Charlotte.  I can hardly wait to hear what she says about school.

All of us have had colds but mine hasn't been too bad.  Ann has had a terrible one with the stuffiest nose I ever saw.

The bathroom is all done except for a caulking strip around the tub and we have that now to put on.  It is a plastic strip that we ordered from Wards to try.  The curtains I made out of the bedspread turned out real pretty.  They are cafe style.

Bob has a new interest.  He bought a stamp album and is collecting stamps in a serious way now so he said to tell you to save every different stamp you get.  He saves the whole envelope with some of them.   I don't know why.

I want to get this mailed so will say bye for now."

                 Lots of love,


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