Tuesday, December 10, 2013

October 3, 1959 Lots of Rain, High Winds, A Crazy Week and A New Front Porch

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Ann & I have been to a recital so the morning is almost gone.  We took the little Smith girl home and came home from there with a pumpkin and three huge squash.  The garden was too wet for us to get tomatoes.

We have been having lots of rain and had a lot of high winds but no tornadoes near.  The weather has really been hitting the world hard.  I had a letter from Japan yesterday & our school wasn't hit too hard by the typhoon but the poor people of Nagoya were really hit.  That is about 50 miles from our school and is the china-making city of Japan.

I have done such an assortment of things this week that it has been kind of a crazy week with a lot of odds & ends done.  I did a lot of fixing of clothes to go to the cleaners for one thing.  We went to a tea on Sunday and then took the kids to the lake for a picnic.  The wind was awful but the kids liked it.  I had a scout committee here Monday night, a church committee meeting all Tuesday afternoon, went to a writers' workshop Thurs. afternoon & to PTA that night.  I got one iris bed cleaned out before the rain started yesterday.  I'd like to reset some of them but I don't know whether I can get it done or not.

Bob grabs every letter that comes so he can have the stamp.  I don't think he has one of the flag yet.

I finally got the bathroom floor waxed and it is all really done now.  We have been so long doing it that it doesn't really seem like it is finished.

We have made arrangements with a man to make us a new front porch and he was supposed to come Oct. 1 but we haven't seen him yet.  We are going to have it made bigger so there can be new footings and maybe it won't settle & pull away from the house like this one.  I wish he would come on for I hate to have to wait & wait.

We are all fine except Ann.  She still has that cold.  We are giving her sulfa now so maybe that will kill it.

Hope you both are fine."

                     Lots of love,


NOTE:  The Isewan typhoon (a.k.a. Vera) in September of 1959 was the most severe thus far recorded in Japan.  Over 5,000 people were killed.  For more information:  https://support.rms.com/publications/1959_Typhoon_Vera.pdf

From the Woman's Day column, "About People", Nov., 1959

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