Saturday, November 23, 2013

June 6, 1959 All Happy, School is Out, A Busy Church Week and Milk Bottles

ISNU Yearbook, The Index, 1959
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This is a beautiful morning and today is graduation so we are all happy.  They hold the exercises outdoors so it is going to be a perfect day for it.  I plan to go for the first time.  Toni and I used to take the kids over to watch the faculty and students march in their caps and gowns but I've never seen the whole program.  I don't have to get a sitter for afternoons anymore either.  The kids always have something to do.

I've been on the go so much this week that I haven't done a thing to the house.  It shows it, too.  I wasted one afternoon looking for a dress and never did find one.  So I just wore my old brown nylon that I've had so many years.  It is right in style this year.  I had wanted something for the Senior reception yesterday.  It is a party for the graduates that the president gives each spring.  We were asked to help so we were there all afternoon.  It was time for the kids to have some booster shots so I took them to the doctor for that yesterday morning.  The pool is open so Bob went swimming in the afternoon but Ann played with a neighbor child.

I went to an all day Pen Women meeting Thursday.  That is a national club and the group here has been wanting me to join but their regular meetings are held on Sunday because so many of them work and the meetings are held in different towns.  The Thursday meeting was called a workshop.  Different ones take things to read and the group helps with criticism.  They usually take a sack lunch but we went to a restaurant for lunch because one of the former members was visiting here.   I didn't take anything to read.  I haven't had time to write anything--not even letters.  I need to write to Sorensens and a lot of other people.

Clipping in the letter but no explanation
The kids are happy that school is out.  They get up earlier than on school days and Bob hammers and saws every morning.  Ann will have three more piano lessons and then stop for the summer.

Next week will be a busy church week.  We are having a visit from our missionary family--the one we help support in Africa.  I feel sorry for them because every hour is planned for them.

How many milk bottles do you want if I can find some?  I haven't had time to look.  Dairies use paper cartons most of the time now.

I've lost your letter so I can't remember if you asked any questions.  I want B to mail this so I'll say bye for now.

We are planning to come home July 3." 

                       Lots of love,


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