Wednesday, October 16, 2013

August 16, 1958 Swimming Lessons, Dollar Day Bargains, Bread & Butter Pickles and A Little Party

Dear Mother & Daddy, 

"This is the most beautiful day--cool like fall.  School will be starting and I still won't be caught up with all the things I want to do.

Ann and I started taking swimming lessons this week.  That takes most of every morning but there are only 10 lessons in the series and we both are learning a lot.

All this week has been a rat race.  Sorensens came for supper Tuesday night so I cleaned and cooked all day.  Woody left Thurs. noon.

I had a doctor's appointment Wed. morning and as usual, I had to wait and wait.  I had a physical exam so we could swim in the school pool this winter.  I'm fine except my blood pressure and count are low.  He said that was the reason for my feeling so tired a lot so I'm taking iron and will be checked again next month.  I should have known why I was tired because the same thing has happened before but I didn't even think of having "tired blood".

Thursday was $1 day in Bloomington so I went down after swimming lessons.  I got Bob and Ann some clothes and a few other things.

I've been making bread and butter pickles.  The cucumbers were given to me so I tried a new recipe.  I made one batch yesterday and have another one ready to pickle.

Ann's package arrived yesterday.  She was thrilled with it all and Bob was pleased with the pencils.  The dress was more than enough but she did need the slip real bad.  It is long but I'll fix that.

Tomorrow we are having a little party.  We'll take the kids swimming and then come home for ice cream and cake.

I guess you know that Horace called us (about B's dad) Wed. night.  We haven't heard since but suppose things are the same.  B is so tied up at school now with so many on vacation that it would be hard for us to come home so we won't come unless we have to.  I feel so sorry for Rosalynn and her mother.  They are both so tired.

Hope both of you are fine."

                        Lots of love,


NOTE:  I was hoping to find some hot dog consumption stats for 1958, but was quickly distracted by other information on the website of the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council.  During hotdog season (Memorial Day to Labor Day) apparently Americans usually consume about 7 billion hot dogs!  Have some fun here:

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