Wednesday, May 29, 2013

June 4, 1955 The Two Hour Recital, The Club Refreshments and The T.V.

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's so hot tonight we have the fan going.  It has been a wonderful day, though.  We have had a lot of rain this week and things are really growing.  We have really enjoyed the lettuce out of our 2x4 garden and the children get a kick out of pulling the radishes even if they haven't been much.  Maybe if we'd leave them alone they'd get big enough.

Ann brought her report from school today.  It was excellent and she has certainly grown in many ways this year.  They have had a good time in kindergarten and have done so many things.  They still have the two chickens and they are almost too big to fry now.  They had a little garden too with beans and other things which grow fast.

Where is Roger now?  How much longer does he have to stay in the navy?

Bob's recital was real nice.  It lasted almost two hours because there were about 50 children in it.  He got awfully tired and wiggled a lot but did fine.

Phyllis and her new husband came to see us last Saturday and stayed for supper.  They were married Friday afternoon after her school was out that morning.  She plans to teach next year.

I don't know what to suggest for your club refreshments.  There is a good dessert made with angel cake, ice cream & frozen strawberries.  Use the angel cake pan.  Break chunks of the cake & cover the bottom of the pan then alternate layers of ice cream, strawberries & cake until the pan is full.  The top layer should be cake chunks.  Press down lightly to pack & put in the freezer top of the refrig. until it is solid.  You can make this a week ahead.  Turn it out of the pan & cut like cake.  Serve it with a dab of whipped cream.  This is good with coffee.  Something else real easy would be ice cream sodas and a piece of chiffon cake.  Just pour a little soda pop (strawberry is good) in the bottom of a glass, put a few spoons of ice cream in it and fill the glass with pop.  You'd have your drink & ice cream all together.  If I think of anything else I'll write it in my next letter.

I wish I could help you make your cookies.  Make drop cookies.  They are so much less work than rolled ones.

I may as well stop writing.  T.V. is on and it is bedtime.  I've been an hour on this letter so I'll say good-night.  Hope you are both fine."

                    Lots of love,


NOTE:  The article pictured above, from Woman's Day, July, 1955 makes a case for turning off the TV to be certain that children have a break.  Some things never change, particularly "electronic bombardment"!

For Angel Food cake recipes posted earlier, use the link:

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