Thursday, May 30, 2013

June 17 and 25, 1955 The Unexpected Trip to Richland, The Dirty House, The Half-Gone Cake and The Turtles Return

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Here I sit in the middle of a dirty house and don't even have my beds made.  I did make a cake and am waiting for it to finish baking.  I'm trying the banana cake in that Good Housekeeping you gave me and it sure smells good.

Bob is in summer school and seems to like it o.k. but isn't overly excited about it.  I guess they aren't really started yet.  We'll know Monday whether Ann can go or not.  She says she doesn't want to go so I don't know how it will turn out.

Well, the cake is half gone now and the kids are in bed.  I'm watching T.V. and B is working on a radio in the basement.

So far, summer school has been pretty nice for B.  He has had more time at home and things haven't been so rushed.  We had the annual picnic for the department yesterday.  I fell heir to the job of planning it last spring when B was made acting head of the department.  The picnic was a real success and we had around 100 there.  I am so glad it is over.

I'm glad Mabel liked the hand-me-downs.  Some people just don't appreciate used clothes but it makes me happy to give things to people who can really use them.

One turtle got away but we still have the rest.  Bob took one to school to show.

There just isn't much news.  It is cold and rainy again.  Hope you are all fine."

                      Lots of love,


NOTE:  We made a quick trip to Missouri to see our Grandad Belshe who had been hospitalized in Springfield.  As usual, we returned with box turtles.  As was the custom, a postcard was written to signal our safe return home.

Bonnie's Banana Cake (adapted from the Joy of Cooking, not Good Housekeeping)

Sift together 2-1/2 c cake flour, 2/3 t baking powder, 2/3 t baking soda and 1/2 t salt.  Cream 1/2 c butter with 1-1/2 c sugar, 1/2 t cinnamon and 1/2 t nutmeg.  Gradually beat in 2 large eggs.  Mash about 3-4 large bananas to make 1-1/2 cups.  Stir in 1 t vanilla and 1/4 c buttermilk.  Combine butter and banana mixtures and add gradually to dry ingredients, stirring well after each addition.  Bake at 350 in 2 buttered, round pans for 25-30 minutes.  Let cool and remove from pans.  When completely cool, assemble cake by topping the bottom layer with butter cream frosting and sliced bananas, adding the top layer and frosting the entire cake.  (Optional:  Add small amount of rum to the frosting.)

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