Saturday, May 11, 2013

January 29, 1955 A Full Weather Report, There Just Isn't Anything to Write and So Good Night

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We have been kept pretty busy this week just shoveling coal.  It has been bitter cold and there is more to come.  It keeps snowing some every day too.  The children enjoyed the snow until it got so cold and five above is too cold for them to play out.  I'm afraid they would freeze their fingers or toes.  The weatherman said it would go to 20 or 30 below last night if it stayed clear but it clouded over and saved us from that.

Ann and I have both had stomach upsets of some kind.  She got along better than I did and didn't miss school but I had a fever and felt just rotten.  I was supposed to go to a tea on Wed. and a dessert party on Thursday but didn't go to either.  I did make my speech Wed. night and got along just fine.  Phyllis came for lunch Thursday and then left about 2 o'clock.

I had a letter from Beulah and was so glad to hear from her.  That hand is really giving Nobel a lot of trouble.

This is the end of the semester so the teachers are all busy with grades and reports.  Bob and Ann didn't go to school today and don't go Monday.  Things really hum around here when they have to stay in the house for several days.

Ann says they have two bowls of fish at school.  The water keeps going down and the teacher keeps filling the bowls up.  Ann says she guesses the fish drink the water.

We have new neighbors but haven't seem them yet.  Rines moved out yesterday and these people moved in.

Bob's piano class begins in February.  It is twice a week and will keep us on the go to take him but I want to try it anyway.

There just isn't anything to write.  Everyone is asleep so good night."

                           Lots of love,


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