Friday, May 10, 2013

January 22, 1955 A Quick Little Letter, Birds at the Feeder, Snow on the Ground and The New Breakfast Set

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Late again, aren't we?  We had another sukiyaki party last night so we didn't write last night.  Rines are moving next week so we had them over.  They really like the Japanese food and we had a good time.

We have had colds and Ann doesn't feel good today.  I felt so awful last Sunday & Monday that I didn't do anything but I gave my speech anyway on Monday night.  They gave me a $10.  check for my talk but I gave it back.  The minister's wife was paying for it and I didn't think I should take it from her.  The couples in this club take turns providing the program and she had asked me to do their program.  I go again on Wednesday night so have to do a little work on my speech sometime soon.  B has a talk Tuesday.

A redbird is eating at Bob's bird feeder now.  He has come several times.  We kept waiting for the birds to find the feeder and now that the snow is on they come to eat.

We have had snow for several days.  It is cold too and the ground stays pretty white for new snow keeps falling.

Phyllis leaves next Thursday.  Her mother came up this morning for some of her things.  She brought me two chickens and some eggs.  I'm going to miss her coming.  Phyllis bought our old breakfast set and we are getting a new one.  It is wrought iron with a black and white tweed-like plastic table and chairs.

Bob had such a nice birthday.  Phyllis gave him a $2 bill and Rosalynn sent him a dollar.  He got lots of things and liked everything he got.

Lynn is having a party now and Ann has gone to sleep so it is quiet over here.

Hope you both are fine."



NOTE:  Test your ad sense:

Images from the Saturday Evening Post, Feb. 1954

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