Thursday, September 13, 2012

February 9, 1952 Nice and Sunny, The Pottery Class, The Electric Ironer and Washing Walls

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"No letter from you today but we'll probably have one tomorrow.  The children have colds again but other than that we are fine.  We were outside all morning.  It was so nice and sunny but turned cold and windy after noon.  Toni made cookies and let the kids roll some this afternoon.

Did I tell you I am taking another adult education class?  This one is pottery.  Our first meeting was last night and I started a bowl but it takes weeks to finish anything because they have to dry so long.  Toni is taking it too.  It is held at the university so is more convenient than the last class I took.

I have a new electric ironer.  We have had it ordered for almost a month but I was afraid I might not get it since the supply is limited so I thought I'd wait until I got it before I told it.  We ordered it from Sears and if you want to see it you can look it up in their catalog.  They have only the one model.  It is really nice and makes ironing so much easier.  My knees always got so stiff and tired when I stood to iron.  I can do a pretty good job with shirts on it already.  Everyone said I'd have to learn to use it but I don't think it will take me long to learn.  I'm sure I ironed faster with it the other day than it usually takes me to iron.

We took a long ride last Sunday and then ate our supper downtown.  Ann was real good but wouldn't eat much.  Bobby loves to eat out.

I've been trying to wash my kitchen walls but can't seem to get it finished.  It wouldn't take much longer if I could get started at it.

I hope you are all fine.  Tell Beulah I think about her every day and will write soon."

                     Lots of love,


NOTE:  The following website is devoted to electric ironers.  If you've never seen one in operation, now's your chance.

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