Saturday, July 28, 2012

June 17 and 24, 1950 The Working Vacation, Making Plans, Picking Berries and Mother Sends Names

 Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Sunday is Dad's Day and I hope it's a nice day for you, Daddy.  Your package will be late for I didn't get it mailed till today but hope you enjoy it when you do get it.

This hasn't been much of a vacation for either of us.  We have worked like everything the whole time.  B and Jim spent most of the week building me a kitchen cabinet but it sure is a beauty even if it did take so long.  I put it between the sink and stove and it sure makes a difference in the kitchen.  We spent a lot of time looking for materials for the thing.  Then B worked till 1:00 one night painting the laundry room walls.  That sure is an improvement.  The woodwork really needs painting but we can't put waterpaint on that like the walls so it will have to wait.  Then B has done a lot of little things like fixing extension cords and cleaning the washer.  He just hasn't had any time to rest and looked so tired when he got up this morning.  I hope we don't have to do much the next two days. 

I guess school will start with a bang on Monday with registration.  B has to supervise the whole thing which means he goes early and stays till it's all over.  We want to go on a picnic with Toni and Watty one day next week and there is a school picnic on Thurs.

We all went to Sunday School last Sunday.  I hated to miss so B said he'd go too.  It wasn't real S.S. of course--just the usual children's day program--little songs and pieces by the kids.  They have a vacation Bible school but Bobby is too young for it--has to be 4.  We got him a new suit to wear for good and it has a plaid shirt--he calls it his rainbow shirt.  He has been calling me "Mother" lately and it sounds so sweet.  It is interesting how he has learned to say the word.  First it was mun-ner and he has gradually improved until it's a clear mother.  "Remember" is another new word and he uses it over and over. 

Are you better, Mother?  I just knew you had been sick and if you aren't feeling good when I have to go to the hospital I don't want you to come.  I don't know how we would manage things if school is still in session but we could do something.  I don't expect you to do much work but cook but still there are the stairs and it will be hot.  Those can make one feel pretty tired.  B will have classes from 7:30 to 11:00 and from 1:00 - 2:00 every day but he could be home the rest of the day.  Summer school will be over Aug. 12 and then he has 4 weeks vacation.  The baby is due Aug. 2 but that doesn't mean it will come then, of course.  I can't really say when you should come but I guess we could plan around the first of Aug.  By then I will be going to the Dr. every week and maybe he can tell me a few days ahead of time that the baby is ready.  He told Toni that several days ahead so she was all ready.  I wish Daddy could take a few days off and bring you.  Then he could see us, too.

Bobby has grown lots since Christmas.  We have taken some pictures but don't know when we'll get them made.

Hope you both are feeling better."

                   Lots of love,

                         B, Bonnie & Bobby

"Hellen" might be a good choice

June 24, 1950

Dear Mother & Daddy,                    

We have really been warmed up the last day or so but there is a wonderful cool breeze.  We have felt the heat more after having several really cold days the first of the week.  It rained a lot and was so cold that Mr. Dorland started the furnace.  We all have had colds since then but are about all right now.  Bobby took the first one and then we caught it.

Big doings are going on downstairs.  Mrs. Dorland's last daughter is getting married tomorrow and they have a houseful of company.  We were invited to the wedding but won't go for we don't know any of their friends or family.

School is in full swing and B is working hard on a lecture he has to give next Tuesday night.  The University gives a series of lectures each summer as a public service and so they are open to the public.  B gives the first one this year and is dreading it.  The topic is "Communication for Survival in the Modern World" and B is to give the philosophy of the thing--sounds awfully hard to me.  Three other speakers will take other phases of it--one each week.

We went to Larsen's to a department picnic yesterday.  Bobby really had a time.  There were several children his size and they had lots of room to play in.

Strawberries are just about gone but there is a big wild patch down the alley.  Bobby and I have been picking them.  We got a quart the other day and almost a quart this afternoon.  There are just oodles of them and we never have cleaned the patch but it is too slow picking in the hot sun.  Raspberries are coming on the market now and Bobby loves them too.  He's a berry eater.  I don't know how many canned blackberries we bought for him this year after he had eaten all the home canned ones.

I'm so glad Grandma is so well and can get around.  Did she go to Beulah's with you?

Bonnie's nephew, Roger
We go to Sunday School at the church (Christian) I showed you last summer.  It is about 2-1/2 blocks.  It commences at 9:30 so is out early enough so I don't have to rush dinner.

There's no hurry about the shirt.  Bring it when you come if you want to.  We had an announcement from Roger, too and sent a tie.

Thanks for the names. I watch the paper and magazines for them, too.  Maybe we can decide on one in the next 6 or 7 weeks.  I am getting anxious and we are trying to prepare Bobby a little for the little one.  The time will go fast and I still have a list of things I want to do--like cleaning drawers.

Mother's suggestions (left), Bonnie's top 5 (right)

Hope you all are fine."

             Lots of love,

                  B, Bonnie & Bobby


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