Friday, June 15, 2012

September 11, 1948 Organized and Not a Scratch, Worlds of Fun and Hallelujah! A Sewing Machine on Order!

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"B's vacation is about gone and we haven't got anything done except to move but I guess that's a lot.  We have things pretty well organized but there are lots of little things to do.  It's so good to have our things again.  The movers did a good job.  There isn't a scratch on the radio.  Things were dirty from being in storage so long but they can be cleaned up.  We like this house real well.  It is so handy to school and to the shopping center of Normal.  We go into Bloomington quite often and it is really nice to shop there.  Our neighbors in the other half of the house are fine.  We have worlds of fun together and watch babies for one another when we want to see a movie.

The Dr. was out of town Wed. so Bobby didn't get an examination but he did get his first shot.  It was a combination of Whooping cough, Diphtheria & Tetanus and there will be two more of the same and then one for small pox.  That will be all.  He was plenty mad about the shot for a few seconds but that was all.  It didn't make him sick.  He weighs 23 lbs. now.  His hair has grown a little but still doesn't curl.  I brush it and sometimes it will stay down.  I wish you could see Bobby in the bathtub now.  He gets me wet every time but he sure has fun.

We went to Sears yesterday and ordered me a machine.  I'm all excited about it and should have it in about 10 days.  We looked at the Whites, New Homes & took the Sears.  I could have gotten a White for only 2.50 more but preferred the Sears.  It had a better head & cabinet.  The machines like yours are not so nice now--the cabinets, I mean--and are $165.--a $61. increase.  The Sears is very nice & was $162.50.

We could get you this fireplace fender in Bloomington if you like it & I found them in Spiegels catalog, too."

          Lots of love,

                 B, Bonnie & Bobby

NOTES from Ann:  In the news this week, Truman received a letter from Socialist Party candidate, Norman Thomas, alerting him to a speech in which Thomas will address the "menace" of the USSR.

Also in the news:  Pakistan, only a year after gaining its independence, loses its President and "Founding Father", Mohammad Ali Jinnah.   For a brief and blurry view of the announcement:

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