Sunday, May 27, 2012

March 7, 1948 The Birthday, The Discovered Fist, The Wanted Job and The Perfectly Horrid Weather

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I got your letter today and was surprised to have it after getting the pretty card and dress.  Thanks a lot for the dress and dollar.  I was glad to get both and am anxious to get the dress made.  I don't know what size pattern either for I still can't wear most of my clothes.  I weigh 126 but hope to lose part of that.  I bought some red wool jersey for a dress and want to make it soon.  My birthday was like other days except I went for my six week check that day.  B gave me some cologne and money to buy some black shoes.  Dr. January says I'm healed extremely well and I don't look like I've had a baby.  He wants a picture of the baby.

Bobby is fine.  We are taking him to the Doctor this afternoon.  He checks him once a month.  Bobby discovered his fist the other day and holds his head up real well.   We took a few more pictures but haven't developed them yet.

B heard from the Ill. job yesterday and they offered just about what he makes now--a bit more but he would have a higher rank and greater possibility for advancement so he thinks he'll write and say that he is interested.  Of course, they probably have lots more after the job so he may not get it but we want it.  We're just as anxious as you are about it. Both Dr. Hill and Brubacker advised B to take it and we think their advice is worth a lot.  Brubacker was up Thurs. to talk to one of B's classes and then B took him out to dinner.  We would love to have had him out here but that's possible now--for a while anyway.

I'm glad Grandma liked the picture.  Did she ever say she got the Xmas candy?  I have wondered about it but knew she couldn't write then.
The weather here is perfectly horrid.  More snow is predicted for tomorrow.  We want to go to Sully's some Sunday but the weather won't let us.

I finally wrote to Beulah.  It takes me so long to get anything extra done for I have to stop so many times.

It is time to go to the doctor so bye and write soon."

                     Lots of love,

                             B, Bonnie & Baby

NOTE from Ann:  In the world news, the Dodecanese Islands officially became part of Greece.

And for the top hit of the day, Peggy Lee's "Manana":

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