Thursday, March 22, 2012

April 28, 1945 The Dames Are Rained Out, The Fit Over Ham, Terribly Scarce Meat and Hot Rolls

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Your letter certainly came through in a hurry.  It got here Thursday.  We haven't been doing very much except stay out of the rain.  This has been the rainiest and coldest week.  We finally got some coal so our apartment has been warm.  We went to a lecture late Wednesday afternoon and it started to rain before we got home and rained so hard that we couldn't have a Dames meeting.

My vacation started last night but I'll have to work the whole time on school work.  I have to write a term paper and read some novels.

I wish you could come for lunch.  I'm making hot rolls. I made a big batch of dough and put it in the ice box so we can have rolls for two or three days.  We still have ham.  Bea almost had a fit last Saturday when we told her we had one.  It was the first meat she had had in several days and she was sick of fish.  Meat is terribly scarce.  Everyone thought the ham was delicious at our dinner party and it was really a treat for all of them.  We all ate so much Saturday night that we just nibbled on Sunday.  Sunday afternoon we went for a drive through the parks and everything is so nice and green.  I picked some flowers and Bea had brought me a big bunch of violets so our apartment looked real springy.

Where was the train wreck?   Did you know any of the men that were hurt?  How did it happen?

I was really thrilled with the lunch cloths.  It was such a surprise.  I have a good supply and the sack ones do us so nicely.

The Dames are having a party at one of the professor's houses next Wednesday evening.  It is an annual affair and they always show movies they have made.  They are both quite old and have no children but really show us a good time.

There just isn't any news so write soon."

                                  Lots of love,

                                          B & Bonnie

Bonnie's Refrigerator Rolls

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