Monday, February 27, 2012

April 15, 1944 Enjoying School, Easter Sunday and The Prodigy

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This is another one of those gloomy Saturdays.  The sun shines all week and then it has to rain on Saturday.  As usual, I have been cleaning and want to spend the rest of the day reading.  B has gone to the library to work.  My work has eased up quite a bit.  I'm enjoying the art and children's literature very much.  I think I told you my term project for literature was to tell stories one day a week.  My first time was last week and I had so much fun.  The kids are so cute and enjoy stories so much.  My red cross club is coming along fine.  They work so hard and we get quite a lot done.  We are making scrapbooks now--scrapbooks of crossword puzzles, jokes, funny strips and Christmas cards (they use these with mental cases).  They can use almost anything.

We went to church Sunday.  It was packed and of course everyone was togged out in bright colors.  It was so funny to see all the bright colors when all we had been seeing was black.  Sully came unexpectedly Saturday.  He didn't come to stay all night but did and most of Sunday.  He got up early and went to mass and we left him by himself while we went to church.  It was chilly Sunday and my new coat is lightweight so I wore last springs.  It looked as good as any of the new ones.  I still don't have the buttons sewed on the new one.  I got my blue shoes.

We had a nice anniversary.  I got B a new tie and he got me a box of candy and a subscription to the Atlantic Monthly.  I thought that the subscription to Fortune was to be all my present but he fooled me.

I'm glad you liked the cookbook.  I thought it was nice.

Your satin blouse might look all right with your blue skirt but it will probably be too heavy.  The blouse needs to be real thin like Ninon or batiste.

We got a nice letter from Beulah today and one from Charlotte--Ha!  She must be lots of fun to all of you.  I wish I could be there to share it.

Is the calf better?  I hope you have the car fixed by now.  I had better stop.  I want to finish a book I'm reading.  It's for children's literature class and is about a mole and a water rat.  Doesn't that sound intellectual?"

                                                             Lots of love,

                                                                       B & Bonnie

NOTES from Ann:  I'm certain that the book about the mole and river rat would have been the timeless classic, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

I'm not certain why the following article was included in this letter without comment, however B frequently talked about this amazing 12 year old Yale student.  He said that Kenneth was often seen on campus when classes let out, swinging a large briefcase around, skipping over the cracks in the sidewalks, and balancing on the curbs and edges of the campus planters as you would expect any 12 year old to do after a long day of being cooped up all day in school.  I encourage you to read the article as well as the information contained in the following link about this interesting person:

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