Saturday, June 28, 2014

April 13, 1963 The Dunes, The Birds, The Dresses, The Suit and Happy Easter

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm so glad you liked the book.  We thought it was real nice and I'd like to have one, too.  I really don't have any Bible reference books but I can go to the library if I just would.

Thank you for the pretty anniversary card.  We are going to take a little trip tomorrow to the Indiana Dunes--a park just a short ways from Chicago.  Bob has been studying the place in biology and we wanted to do something during Easter vacation.  The kids feel cheated that they didn't get to go somewhere. Other faculty families scatter in all directions during vacation but B has worked like a dog all week.  Larsens went to the Bahamas with the biology group so he's had to stay a little closer to the office.  He has also been doing a special study, with help from several faculty members, on how classrooms are used. That has been a big job but they finished it today.

Bob has spent the week studying birds.  He has used his binoculars and been outside most of the time.  I don't know what started it but he went to the library for books on birdwatching & has had a good time.  It has been cold all week but Ann and Polly have played tennis.

I made two dresses for Ann and they are ready to wear.  She hasn't decided which one she will wear Sunday.  We gave her a permanent today and it looks real cute.  I like the Lilt and wish I could give myself one.

I think I have my suit done but I've really had a time with the skirt.  The pleat just stuck out & looked terrible.  I lined the skirt, then tried stitching the pleat together part way & finally let out the side seams. The pleat is so big & heavy it still pulled the skirt down in front & fell open so I had to stitch it down.  I think it will be all right.  I bought a white blouse for it but it needs a bigger collar on it.  They are hard to find but if I see one I'm going to get it or may make one.

I hope you have a real nice Easter and wish we could all be together."

                    Lots of love,


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