Friday, June 27, 2014

April 7, 1963 The Big Brush Fire, The Center Front, The Real Nice Person and The Anniversary Freezer

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"Tomorrow is your birthday, Mother, & I hope it is a happy one.  We wish we could come for dinner for I imagine Beulah and her family will be there.  You should have your book by now and we hope the print isn't too small.  All of them are that way or smaller because the books would have to be so big or made into several volumes if the print was larger.  It is almost suppertime so I'm late getting my letter written but we have really worked today.  B went to school this morning & then cleaned out the garage & worked in the basement the rest of the day.  Our neighbor had a big brush fire going so we cut the rose bushes & got rid of them on his fire.

Ann has been playing tennis today & Bob stayed all night with a friend last night & didn't come home till this afternoon.  I had let things go in the house till I had to clean from top to bottom so we have all been busy.

My suit is just about done and I could have finished it this week but I had to stop sewing & iron.  It took a day & a half to get caught up with that.  My jacket is all done & the skirt has to be lined & hemmed.  I wasn't planning to line it for it is full but the pleat in the center front pokes out & I'll have to line it to hold that in place.

Next week I want to sew for Ann & hope to make at least two of her dresses. The time goes so fast but there won't be anything going on at school because this is spring vacation time.  B will have to work, of course, but the students are all gone.

We went to a dinner for some speech students who were in a speaking contest one night this week but didn't go to the contest since we had to go to P.T.A.  The family of one of the school's early presidents gives a medal to the winner.  It is an annual affair and some of the family always come.  One of the men that came this year was a grandson of this president & is now Dean of Men at Westminster College where Francis Jr. went to school.  He was in school then too & knew Francis Jr.  His name is Jack Marshall & he was a real nice person.

Our anniversary is next Saturday so we have ordered a Sears freezer & I guess we'll celebrate when it comes by filling it up with food.  It is a 17 ft. upright & I hope it will save running to the store so much. Our grocery bill will probably go up, too.

I'm out of news but can't write anyway.  Ann keeps talking so bye for now."

                        Lots of love,


NOTE:  My best (actually only) memory of the new freezer is that our Dad used to come home with bags of Dilly Bars from the Dairy Queen.

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