Monday, May 9, 2016

November 29, 1975 The Wonderful Time, The Xmas Chores, The Shirtwaist Dress, The Huge Profit and The Nice Thanksgiving Day

Dear Mother,

"Bob & Ann have been gone about an hour so it is quiet around here. We had a wonderful time. She has to play for a rehearsal tomorrow afternoon so they didn't want to wait until tomorrow to go home. They came in that awful storm Wednesday night and it was after 1:00 when they got here. They really didn't have any trouble and weren't bothered about the trip at all but it had been terribly slow. Thanksgiving day was cloudy but the storm was over and Friday was so nice we went to Chicago for the day. They always enjoy that but it seemed a little strange not to have Bob & Pat with us.

Bob & Pat were having Thanksgiving with her cousin who also lives in Bethesda. Pat had made pies and several things for her part of the dinner.

She saw the doctor this week and he said the baby could be coming real soon--anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks so I'm going to have to get all my Xmas chores done right away. I'll probably stay a week after the baby comes. I've given up on getting the little quilt finished. I'll just finish it when I can.

We had an announcement from Jerry & Jeannette. I haven't bought the baby anything yet but will try to before long.

I finally got my shirtwaist dress finished but haven't worn it yet. It isn't very special.

Bob's mother didn't come with them. She was afraid to drive to Columbia in the storm and I really didn't blame her a bit. She called Thanksgiving evening and said she wished she had come but was still afraid of the driving. She was alone. Bob's brother manages a restaurant in Springfield so couldn't be home and his sister works in Kansas City and had only that day off.

I hope you could get to Beulah's and that you didn't get as much snow as the northern parts of the country did. It is in the 50s here today.

Marshall Fields in Chicago has opened a quilt department so I made a quick trip thru that yesterday. They are selling both new quilts and old ones. The old ones look about like the ones I started keeping house with and one had a $375. tag on it. Isn't that silly? It was a Dresden Plate pattern and not special at all. The pillows made with patchwork quilt block tops were $40.  They were very ordinary and I don't know how people would be so foolish to pay that. The store must make a huge profit on the things.

I must stop if I'm to get this mailed this afternoon. Hope you are fine and that you had a nice Thanksgiving day."



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