Dear Mother,
"It is going to be another hot day. We keep getting promises of rain but had only a few drops yesterday--about a dozen. B didn't even know we'd had any. It was overcast much of the day so it didn't seem so hot. I spent all morning in the yard so have some stiff muscles today. Our yard has been neglected this spring so it took all of my time to clean up the border on the north side. The people north of us must think all of the plants belong to us for they don't touch a thing--including big weeds. There is a big rose bush on the line too, and I had cut out the dead wood in the spring but it had grown out of control all summer so I cut that down. Cutting down a rosebush is a real job. Years ago it had a trellis over it and was beautiful. No one cares anymore so I'm going to keep it cut until it dies. It is amazing how weeds can grow without rain when other things curl up. I have filled garbage cans and bags with weeds and cuttings so I won't work outside anymore until the garbage man comes by next Friday.
I've agreed to be a deaconess for the next three years but it has been so long since I did this that I can't remember what I'm supposed to do except fix the communion. I'd supposed I was to go to board meetings but got to wondering about it so didn't go to the board meeting this week. I had suggested that there be some meetings to help us know what to do and I guess they'll get around to it one of these days.
Today is Ann's birthday. She is 24 and her Bob was 27 on Wednesday. They were planning to spend the weekend in Kansas City.
The man finally called about the basement but we weren't interested in his way of waterproofing. He pumps in a chemical which is supposed to seal the walls but
Consumers has warned against this work and there have been a lot of law suits over this sort of thing. The companies get their money & the job doesn't waterproof. Then they won't give back the money. Don't ever let anyone talk you into this sort of thing. It looks as if we won't get anything done this year but I wish we could.
The news has been lots calmer this week but I wonder how the whole thing will be resolved. It would be sad for one of our presidents to be dragged into court but in a democracy it would hardly be right for him to be pardoned and all the others involved to be imprisoned. I'm glad I don't have to make such a decision. This week's
Time reviews the whole last week of Nixon's office. I'll save it for you for it is real interesting. It will keep you reading for quite a while. I'm still working on it.
Hope you are fine."
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