Monday, November 2, 2015

February 27, 1972 The Suitcase, The Material, The Nice Time, The Transplants and The Pussy Willows

Dear Mother,

"This will be late because I probably won't get it mailed before morning. B is at school and I have been unpacking the suitcase. He had to be back here for a 3:00 meeting so we left Chicago about 10:30--as soon as his meeting was over.

I didn't have time to do much this morning but went to Sears to look at a piece of material I had seen. It was a waste of time because I didn't buy it since it would be difficult to match. I hate material that has to be cut just so. It takes so long to cut anything out.

We had a nice time in Chicago in spite of the terrible weather. It was cold and snowy most of the time. I had lots of time to shop around but didn't buy much except some patterns. I can spend a lot of time looking for them. We did take some of the little rubies Daddy gave me to a jeweler and are having them put in a fancy ring for my birthday. I won't have it for a month or more but it will be a nice keepsake.

Bob & Pat met us and went to dinner with us last night. Then we went to hear Senator Proxmire speak but he was late and didn't have much to say so we left. You have probably read about him having hair transplanted. His head was all bandaged last night and he made a joke about it.

Jim Wheeler was also in Chicago for another meeting so we had a good visit with him. Kathy, the youngest child, has won a scholarship to Germany next year and they are proud of that.

It sounds like you had a nice day with Mrs. Noe.  Does she still own that Lee house?

Bob goes to the University of Illinois medical school. It was renamed last year The Abraham Lincoln medical school but it is still part of the University of Illinois. Malcolm goes to the dental school at the same place and may just change departments. He doesn't know yet and of course he'll have to apply for the change and be accepted. Bob & Pat planned to spend the evening with Malcolm & his wife & Audrey. She was going to spend the weekend in Chicago. Malcolm's wife graduates from nursing school in June so she can support them. I think she already has a job waiting.

Don't you love to hear the birds singing? Surely spring can't be too far away. This winter has seemed long and I can hardly wait to get out in the yard to work. The pussy willows are getting fat but I haven't cut any yet. I'll have to bring some in the house & then they'll pop out.

B is home so I'd better get some supper. We're having bacon & eggs so that is fast.

Hope you are fine."



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