Wednesday, August 5, 2015

April 11, 1970 The Sticks, The Clutter, The Birthday, The Clubs and The Style

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It is a beautiful day for a change and I think everyone in town is working in his yard. Ours was full of sticks so B has been raking and is going to fertilize, too.

I have sewed all week so had to get things straightened up a bit. There was clutter everywhere. I finished Ann's suit Monday and went right to work on a dress and finished that before she left Tuesday afternoon. Then I started on my own which I had cut out before the kids came home. It is bright navy double knit and is a plain dress and coat of the same material. It is almost done but I don't like the way the coat hangs so I'm going to change the interfacing in the front. It may be kind of hard but I sure don't like this and never will. I could have had it finished if I hadn't been on the phone so much this week. I'm arranging some luncheons and that takes too much time.

I hope you had a nice birthday and have your package by now. There wasn't much choice because high heels are coming back but I hope these fit. If not, send them back and I'll look some place else.

We are planning to drive to some rock shops tomorrow if it is nice. Some of them are open Sunday afternoons and there is one near Joliet that I've wanted to see. B doesn't care much about looking at the rocks but enjoys getting out so we are looking forward to it.

Two of my clubs met on Monday but I didn't go. When Ann is home I cancel out everything because she won't be home much any more. She still plans on summer school.

Bob and Pat are fine. He still had his beard at Easter time. Bob K has a mustache so I guess our boys are keeping in style. I have to admit that Bob's beard looks nice but it makes him look older. Pat doesn't like it so maybe he'll shave it off before long.

I hope you feel better, Mother, and that Daddy is fine. Both of you gets lost of extra rest.

       Lots of love,


NOTE: Medical shows were gaining popularity in the late '60s with Marcus Welby, M.D. leading the pack.  I guess their popularity was enough to make the press question the authenticity of the programs.

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