Tuesday, January 20, 2015

May 21, 1966 The People, The Piano, The Nice Affair, The Waste of Time and The Vegetables

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This has been a real busy week but it was so long. B got home about 7:00 last night and we were sure glad to see him. He had enjoyed the meeting and enjoyed the people there. There were two that we had known while we were at Yale.

Ann is playing the piano while I'm writing and it sounds so pretty. The tuner was here yesterday and I think he helped it but he said it had held real well since the last tuning. Ann's organ recital is tomorrow. I wish you could be here.

We're still having a lot of cold, rainy weather but there are good days mixed in. I keep wanting to work outside but can't get at it.

I played golf Wednesday morning but I'm sure terrible at it. It will just take more practice which I hope to get in during the summer. My clubs haven't come so I'm still using Bob's. Dot wanted B to take Ted's clubs in hopes that I can coax him to play with me some time. They are old clubs but good ones.

Bob didn't take the army examination but several of his friends did and I think he plans to. B has been advising students to take it. I haven't seen any of the tests but someone said that there was a lot of Math and Science in them. Bob took special tests in Math and Chemistry this week at school. Only a few kids took them because they are so hard and cost so much--these two were $25.00 but if he makes a real good grade on either one of them he would get college credit for it. So his teachers felt is was worth trying.

Wednesday was senior honors day at school when they announce all of the awards. All of Bob's science awards were announced but none of them were new. He got a medal and some certificates.

Then that night he and I went to a dinner for honor students that the Rotary Club gives. They chose 7 students from each school. It was a real nice affair. Each student was given a certificate (framed & ready to hang) for outstanding achievement. I was real sorry B had to miss it.

The Junior-Senior banquet and prom were last night. Bob wouldn't go. I begged him to go to the banquet but he said it was a waste of time and money.

We are going to a potluck supper tonight and I have to take the vegetables. I have some little new potatoes to fix with parsley & butter but haven't decided what else to take.

Hope you both are fine."

Ann, Recital Day

Bob, Rotary Day


                Lots of love,


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