Saturday, August 16, 2014

April 11, 1964 The Lace Oxfords, The Nuisance, The Big Purse and The Who's Who Business

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"We are having some pretty days, at last. Yesterday was quite nice & today is just wonderful.  B is putting up part of the screens and all the neighbors are out working in their yards. Bob raked a little in the flower beds but has to do some school work so didn't do enough.

I haven't done much of anything this week except read & write because I missed a step last Saturday afternoon & sprained my ankle.  It still looks bad--is green & black, but the swelling is gone and I don't limp much.  It didn't seem too bad when it happened and I finished shopping.  I put ice on it when I got home, put an elastic bandage on it and went to a faculty dinner.  By Sunday morning I could hardly walk so I just sat for several days.  It was lucky that I had on laced oxfords or I might have broken a bone in my foot.  I'm still wearing a bandage & can't wear high heels yet.

The As You Like It Club had a spring luncheon Thursday.  The program was on children's books so it was real interesting.  Quill Club was that night and I went to that, too.

Bob stayed all night with Malcolm last night & Ann stayed with Polly.  The boys went to school to work on some French and the rest of us had a tetanus shot.  We had to have a Smallpox vaccination & all of them took.  They didn't the last time we had them.  They didn't make us even feel bad but it was a nuisance to have to keep them dry till they healed.  Ann had to miss a swimming test over it.  We will have some typhoid shots and that will be all.  It won't be too long till we have a list of hotels and addresses for the trip and we'll send you one.  I bought a big purse yesterday.  It is really big so I can put a pair of shoes & a raincoat in it if I want to.

I forgot to tell you about the Who's Who business but B had clipped the article & sent it to his mother. She said she wasn't telling Horace & Rosalynn--just let them read it.  We didn't think much about it but there has been a lot of comment. He has been in the Who's Who in American Education for years & I thought that was the one until the article came out in the paper.

I haven't heard from Beulah in a long time.  Ann has a picture for her if we ever get it sent.

Don't work too hard when the weather gets nice enough to start outdoor work. Days like this make me want to dig but I won't do much this spring for I won't have time."

                    Lots of love,


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