Wednesday, June 4, 2014

October 21, 1962 The Rain, The Sewing, The Medal, The Cabinet Business, Needles, Pins and Such

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This is homecoming weekend here so there has been a lot going on.  It has rained and rained so the house decorations and the floats were ruined before the parade was over this morning.  B had to give a talk last night so we didn't get out to see the decorated houses till almost 10:00.  It has been a beautiful warm week until last night when it started pouring rain.  It will probably get cold now.  We stood in the rain this morning for the parade and went to the football game after lunch.  We all wore raincoats & took umbrellas and got along very well.  The kids each had a friend for lunch so it has been a big day.

I managed to do a little sewing this week.  Finished a made-over dress for myself.  Maybe you remember that gold dress I wore at your anniversary party.  I shortened it & made the top plainer.  It looks nice but I haven't worn it yet.  I fixed Ann a skirt & top & changed some hems.  Seems like there is always something like that to do.

Bob got his medal for the long hike this week.  This one was an Indian trail named for a chief.  He had fun but says he isn't going on the next one. 

I had a letter from Bessie & she asked us for Thanksgiving but I haven't had time to answer yet.

We finally got the cabinet business straightened out.  They sent us a full set of new legs for the things but not even a "sorry" for making such a mess of the sale.

The company that makes the cabinet recommends a special polish for the oiled walnut so we ordered it.  It was smashed to bits when it get here so we had to write about that.

The girls in Ann's room had a tea this week & it was real nice.  They made the cookies in Home Ec.  They start to sew next week so we have been out shopping for needles, pins & such tonight  They start with a cotton pleated skirt.  Ann chose plain brown.  I hope she does a good job & likes what she makes.  Then she can make something of better material.

I must stop & tell the kids to get started to bed.  It will be hard to get up for S.S. if I don't."

                       Lots of love,


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