Monday, June 23, 2014

March 9, 1963 The Clean House, The Piano Festival, The Mice Publicity and The Rotten, Wormy Apples

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"For once, my house is pretty clean on a Saturday.  Helen Brown & I had a luncheon for 21 women on Thurs. so I had to get things cleaned up for that.  It turned out real nice and wasn't really hard to do except so many other things kept coming up.  I had two meetings the first of the week & that took almost a day for them so when I did get time to work at home I had to really buzz.

We served ham rolls (ham rolled around asparagus spears with a cheese sauce), jello salad, pot.chips, relishes, corn muffins & that oatmeal cake.  It was all pretty & good & easy.

Tomorrow we are going to the piano festival in Springfield.  Part of them went last Sun. but Ann's time is tomorrow.  Bob will probably stay home for he doesn't like to go and we won't stay long.

Ann's sweater is coming along real fast.  I can pick it up & do a little every once in awhile & it grows faster than you'd think.  I'll soon be ready to do the pattern, though, & then I'll have to go slowly for I've never knitted to a chart.

We have to go to a tea today but I'd like to cut Ann's Xmas material dress.  She keeps wanting me to start it & I've had the pattern for ages.  I wish I could sew for a week without stopping.

Beulah sent me the nicest pair of pillow cases but I haven't answered her letter yet.

Ann made biscuit do-nuts one night & we rolled them in powdered sugar & cinnamon like you used to do.  They were real good while they were hot.  They get pretty hard real quick though.

Would you send us the page from the Mirror that has the article about the mice on it so Malcolm can have one?  The boys are saving all the publicity.  They may use it sometime on an application blank for a scholarship or something. They are supposed to send a write-up about their experiment to the National Science Foundation the end of this month.

Today is a beautiful day but it is still pretty chilly.  Bob says the tulips are up and I keep intending to look at the Pussy Willow but haven't had time.  Vetters cut down the old apple tree & I hated to see it go.  It was always so pretty in the spring but it made such a mess with the rotten, wormy apples.  They always sprayed it but that didn't help.  The tree is just too old, I guess.

I hope you both are fine."

                          Lots of love,


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