Saturday, June 21, 2014

February 25, 1963 The Helpful Sunshine, The Piano Tuner, The Cake, The Unfinished Theme and The Knitting Fever

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm sorry you have had the flu, Mother, & just hope Daddy doesn't get it.  You'd better stay inside and away from people until you get rid of that cough for it seems to keep coming back if you aren't real careful.  So far, we have been lucky about colds but there is lots of sickness all around.  The Catholic school in Bloomington closed for a few days because so many teachers were sick.

It is horribly cold again.  This winter has been such a cold one and I sure don't like the cold.  We have had lots of sunshine this year though, and that helps a lot.

The piano tuner is here and we sure needed him.  Ann has complained all winter about the piano being out of tune.  There is always something that needs doing.

Bruce is coming to spend the night with Bob so I've got a cake in the oven.   It is a new recipe--oatmeal cake.  It is new to me anyway but lots of people seem to have it.  If you want it I'll send it to you.  A topping is put on after the cake part is done & then set under the broiler.  You cut it in squares and serve it with a dab of whipped cream.

Bob & Malcolm are still getting publicity about their mice.  The picture we sent was also in the college paper & then in a Chicago daily paper.  They think it is wonderful but complain because there are so many mistakes in the article.

Ann's theme is quite good & is about American democracy & freedoms but I really wonder if she'll ever finish it in time to enter the contest.  All she needs is a closing paragraph but she dilly-dallies so much about writing it.

My dress still isn't done.  I have worked on it some this week but there really is a lot of extra work to do on a jacket & that is such slow work.  It's coming along though, & if I can find any time next week I will finish it.

Ann has been wanting me to knit her a sweater & even ordered some patterns with her own money. They came  this week & she told me which one she wants so I have ordered some yarn.  It hasn't come yet & I told her it would take me a year but that was all right.  I'll have it for pick up work & maybe someday I'll get it made.  Everyone around here seems to have knitting fever.  It has been years since I've knitted anything but I always liked it.  There are plenty of people to help me along so maybe I'll get along all right.

I have to make a dessert to take to pot luck tomorrow night & it's always a problem to find something different & good.

My hair need washing, too.  In fact, it needs more than that.  It is getting so long but I hate to get a permanent about as bad as anything I do.

We have to go to a tea on Sunday.  I suppose there will be a lot of new spring hats for I've already seen a few straws.  It looks a little silly as cold as it is but I guess hats aren't for keeping your head very warm anyway.  Not any more, anyway.

My cake is done so I'd better go make the topping & get it finished up.  The kids just came in & things will pep up around here."

                             Lots of love,


1 comment:

  1. Media were good to us but had trouble with the science. A lifelong lesson that was repeated over and over.


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