Sunday, March 23, 2014

April 29, 1961 The Nice Underwear, The Terribly Busy Week, The Day in Chicago and That Gingham Dress

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I thought I'd get this written before anyone got up but Ann is up and talking a mile a minute so it may not make sense.

B was real proud of the nice underwear and sends his thanks.  He can always use it.  Sometimes I think I wash our clothes to pieces & we'd be better off to wear them a little longer but I guess that wouldn't be the way to win friends.  B had a lot of birthday cards and the office girls fixed a party for him at school.  There was some kind of a consultant here that day & they had meetings all day so the girls just took coffee & a beautiful big cake into the meeting & they all stopped work long enough to eat it.  There was another meeting with this man in the evening & B didn't even come home for supper so we couldn't even get a good dinner for him. 

This week has been a terribly busy one.  Yesterday was the first day I'd been home all day but I didn't do a thing worthwhile.  I was so tired I just sat around and tried to take a nap after lunch but got up 5 times for the telephone & doorbell so it didn't do much good.  Last night we went to a dinner & party for the education department & really had a good time.  B has to work in the office this morning but I don't have to go anyplace today.

Bob's room went to Springfield one day this week.  They had a nice sunny day so they enjoyed the trip.  They watched the senate at work & came home disgusted with the way they work.  Then they had time to go to Lincoln's home and tomb.  Everyone behaved so they had a real good day.

Bob has had an awful cold and still coughs.  So far, the rest of us have escaped.

We enjoyed our day in Chicago.  It was pouring rain when we left here but it was clear and sunny in Chicago.  B let us out downtown and went to his meeting.  We just loafed and looked.  The children bought a few little things and then we met B at 2:00.  I bought a spring coat (full length beige) and we bought a projector.  We sure hated to do that but Bob dropped ours one day while taking it to school and broke it.  We tried to have it fixed but it was too old.  It isn't even made anymore & you can't even find an old one for parts.

Our yard sure needs to be mowed.  We have only 2 or 3 flowers.  My tulips aren't any good--they were frozen too many times.  We're going to have to do something more around the foundation for we're getting water in one end of the basement.  I guess it's a good thing we didn't finish the playroom yet.

I haven't done a stitch on my tablecloth.  How did yours look when it was ironed?  I did buy some thread and when I get caught up on my sewing I'll be ready to start.  I think the napkins were about 40¢.  I'm not sure.

I finally ordered some Betty Crocker stainless.  It sure is nice.  I got 12 forks and 4 knives and will have to save more coupons a while before I order more knives.  I thought I'd use more forks more often so I'd get them first.

I have had the worst time with that gingham dress.  After I got the black trim on the dress it didn't look right so I bought more gingham in Chicago and cut a new blouse & a skirt to go with the black-trimmed blouse.  I went ahead and finished that dress & when I got it all done & ready to wear it didn't look right.  The black checks didn't match.  Believe it or not, the black was a different color.  I looked all over Bloomington & can't match it in the same brand even.  So then I ripped the dress apart, took the black trim off the first blouse & will put it on the cross-stitched skirt like I started to do.  It is a lot of work but I'd never feel right wearing either dress and I did want the one to be nice.  Like Amos & Andy,  "I's repisted".

B's ready to leave & I want him to mail this so bye for now."



NOTE:  You could run over that stainless with a truck and it wouldn't hurt it.  It is still in service.

Surrounded by controversy, The Amos and Andy Show aired from 1950-53, with radio broadcasts prior to that.


  1. Ann you should probably send an email to Oneida and tell them about the cutlery service still in use.

  2. You know, I probably should do that! Even though it went out of style years ago, its retro look is probably "in" again-ha!


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