Dear Mother & Daddy,
"We have had two beautiful autumn-like days but it rained last night and today is cold and dreary. I worked in the yard yesterday morning--raked leaves for the fourth time. My neighbors' leaves kept blowing back. We have such a little bit of grass in the front that I was afraid the leaves would smother it out. And the pile of dirt from the porch is still there. I put a little of it into the ruts the cement truck made but I ran out of time and energy and had to quit. B hoped to get the rest cleaned up today but he has an all day meeting at school today and the dirt is awfully wet now. The speaker for the meeting is the former superintendent of Little Rock--Blossom I think his name is. I would like to hear him, too.
We had our S.S. class supper last night. I made apple cake for the dessert and everyone liked it. There were 26 people there and we had a nice time. I had painted branches of barberry white and hung little red paper birds all over it for centerpieces. I used red candles and Xmas napkins so the tables were real pretty.
I have been struggling with Xmas cards and shopping. Have the cards about addressed but still have a lot of notes to write. My shopping isn't nearly finished and the next few days are going to be hum dingers.
It begins tomorrow with a S.S. teachers' meeting, the Christmas program at the University and a dinner-caroling party tomorrow night. Quill Club party is next week and I'm a hostess (have to take cookies). We go to a dessert party, our potluck group party and I'm scheduled to help Faith Larsen with some Christmas coffees she always has for different school groups. I don't have to make anything--just help her serve.
We plan to start home after lunch on the 23rd. It will be 9:00 or 10:00 before we get there but it will be better than driving Xmas Eve. That way we can be at Belshe's on Xmas Eve and with you on Xmas day if you plan it that way. We will have to come back on Sunday. It is awfully short but better than not at all. It seems like Xmas is coming awfully quick this year. We got our first card yesterday.
I must get to work on the house. I meant to clean yesterday but when the weather was so nice I spent the time outdoors.
Hope you both are fine."
Lots of love,
NOTE: Read about Virgil Blossom's work on the integration of Little Rock's school system:
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