Monday, September 2, 2013

September 29, 1957 Tired and Lazy, A Huge Wedding, A Little Recital, So Happy and Summer Pear Pie

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's very late but I was too tired and lazy to write last night and there hasn't been a free minute all day.  Yesterday morning I ran around getting week-end groceries and then went to Bloomington in the afternoon to look for a dress.  Shopping is hard work, I think.  I did find a dress that is sort of all purpose.  It is bright blue wool and nylon.  It is rather plain, buttoned down the front and has 3/4 sleeves.

As I came from town I stopped at school to see Ann's teacher.  I am room mother for her and that means planning things for the parents & children in the room.  We are going to make some plans Monday afternoon.

Ann had a little recital this morning along with other children and I went to that.  They have one once a month.  She does fine with her lessons and learns fast.  Bob had his first lesson and got along fine but isn't into the swing of it yet.  It always takes a while to get going.

We have been to our potluck supper group tonight.  I took pies.

Edna and Woody couldn't go.  She is still in bed but can be up a little more now.

All week has been a busy one.  We went to the wedding Sunday afternoon and it was a huge one.  We didn't even try to go to the reception but went on to school to the reception for new faculty people.  I poured coffee for half hour and then we helped a new couple meet others.

Monday night I was co-hostess for a meeting of our 49ers club.  That's the wives of faculty members who came in 1949.  There are 17 of us left.

Wednesday afternoon there was a tea at school for the Room Mothers in the whole school.  They told us a list of things that we are expected to do this year.  That night I went to the women's fellowship at the church.

Quill Club met Thurs. night but I was so worn out by then that I stayed home.  Both kids had piano lessons that afternoon so I'd had enough for that day.

Next week will be just as bad as last but when the formal inauguration of our President is over maybe things will settle down a bit.

The last few days have been real cold and we've had frost.

Maybe we can go back to Chicago when you come.  B probably could take a Sat. off. 

The children are so happy at school.  One little boy got mixed up and went home for lunch at recess.  He came right back but Bob said he looked awfully funny.  The teacher laughed.  Another kid brought a baby field mouse to school and it got out of its cage.  They chased it all over but every time someone would catch it, it would bite and they'd turn it loose.  They finally gave up and opened the door hoping it would go out and I guess it did for a I haven't heard any more about it.

I must go to bed so hope you both are fine."

                         Lots of love,


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