Wednesday, September 25, 2013

March 8, 1958 Cold Again, Underwear and A Shovel, Cleaning, Mending, Filling Nail Holes and Sanding

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's cold again but the redbirds are singing.  We're all ready for spring.  Ann discovered the tulips were up and simply jumped up & down.  Our yard sure is a mess but it looks like everyone else's --muddy & full of litter.

Thanks for the lovely birthday box.  I never have a pretty flower to wear and I always need underwear.  My birthday was real nice.  B & the children gave me a shovel I've been wanting, a subscription to a writer's magazine and some little things.  I guess I'll ask for a hoe next time.  Everyone laughs about my tools but I like them and I hate to borrow.

Our potluck was last Sat. night and one of the girls had baked me a big birthday cake so I really had a birthday party.  I showed some slides that night and then gave my talk at Wesleyan on Monday afternoon.  B left Sunday and I didn't have anything extra then until P.T.A. Thursday night.  I really worked while I had a chance--just cleaning drawers, mending, etc.  So many things get put back.

We didn't have very many for P.T.A.--around 60 but I was worn out when it was over.  Another girl and I went at 6:30 and it was 11:00 when I got home.  We had to wash all the plates and cups and clean up the kitchen afterwards.

We plan to work upstairs this afternoon--start filling nail holes & sanding.  I have some ironing to finish and the kids' piano practice to get out of the way so I'd better get busy.

Hope you both are fine."

                              Lots of love,


NOTE:  I get a kick out of all the pastel appliance ads.  We always had white and Mom once said, "In a couple of years, people are going to regret putting in all those pink appliances!"  Given the current popularity and strong market for mid-century designed objects, some people probably wish they had kept them.


  1. I remember during the 60's and 70's in Australia there was a plethora of different coloured appliances. You could get fridges with interchangeable front panels.
    You could even get chocolate brown toilet suites and baths. I much prefer white but the latest brushed stainless steel is growing on me :-)

  2. Yes, the big colors here were Harvest Gold and Avocado Green--to go along with all the orange linens and such! I think it will take awhile before those colors come back in vogue, but apparently the pastels are already back:-)

    I think I'll pass on the brown bathroom fixtures as well. Thanks for writing!


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