Friday, August 2, 2013

December 16, 1956 The Short Letter, The Cake from Lebanon, The Basketful of Things and The Slick and Foggy Weather

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"This letter will be short since we'll see you before long and I have more things to do today than there are hours.  We haven't had your letter this week but I guess it is the Xmas rush that has slowed it down.

Bessie & I have been writing back & forth and have our plans in order.  I ordered the cake from Lebanon today.  I haven't even heard from Beulah since I sent her our plans so I hope everything is all right with her.

I'll be so glad when Xmas is over.  Bob's piano class has it's Xmas recital this afternoon and it is a party too.  I've had a lot of extra scout work.  They make presents & tree decorations and it is fun if there was only more time so they could do it all.  I had to finish 8 things they got started and have wrapped a basketful of things the boys take to the big meeting.  We're supposed to sell door wreaths to make some money for the scouts & I'm mad as hops about that which doesn't help any.

B and I go to a potluck tonight.  I have to take rolls so I have them started. 

Our rug is back from the cleaners but we haven't got it down yet.  The cleaning & moth proofing cost us $38.50.  That almost floored us.

I can't tell you when we'll be home.  The weather here has been very bad--slick and foggy.  If it is like this Friday afternoon we'll have to wait until Saturday morning.  It would take us all night in the fog and it's too risky.  If we should come in the night we'll go right to Belshe's and to bed and I'll see you early Saturday.  If we don't come till Sat. it will probably be mid-afternoon.  Anyway, we'll do the best we can and won't call you so don't worry.

Hope you are both fine."

                       Lots of love,


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