Monday, August 26, 2013

August 10, 1957 Hot & Dry, Getting Anxious, About Worn Out, Restless and A Lazy Day Pie

Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook, 1949
Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It's hot & dry again but rain is predicted.  I hope it comes for we need it.  I've been watering things--trying to keep the roses and evergreens alive.  Our little evergreens show a little life but have looked so awful all summer that I thought they were dead.  I may be imagining they look alive but if we can keep pouring water to them maybe they will come out of it.

B & Bob went on the Scout outing last week-end so Bill came & stayed all night with Ann.  On Sat. night I took Ann & both Dave & Bill to the park for awhile after supper.  Wattersons will be home Aug. 19th & the kids are getting anxious.

I think you must have had a big time at your club.  I wish I could have been there for it really sounds nice.  I have made those chiffon pies too--both the lemon & strawberry but I like the lemon best.  I just laid vanilla wafers in the pie plate for a crust--didn't even crush them and it cuts fine.  That really makes a lazy day pie.

A page from an old promotional booklet for Bloomington
The kids are restless since school is out and so many people are on vacation.  We took our supper to the lake one night.  Bob goes to the Y which helps but the days are long when it is so hot.

I can't work much when it is so hot so still have a lot of cleaning to do.   Then too, I couldn't get much done while I was cooking dinner for the boy that worked upstairs.  I did get the woodwork washed in the dining room.

The work upstairs has stopped now until B can get the wiring in.  We were about worn out with trying to plan a little at a time and telling the boy what to do even if he was good help.  He did a lot but B simply couldn't get the wiring in & nothing else can be done until that is done.  We ordered pre-built chest of drawer units for Bob's room to build in, but they have to be assembled and it is slow work.

Household, June, 1957

Granny kept the kids for me Thurs. morning while I went shopping.  It was dollar day.  I got me a pair of black suede Naturalizer shoes for $4. and a white hat for $1.00.  There was lots of junk as usual but I was especially pleased over the shoes.  Of course, they are last winter's shoes but I don't care.

You didn't say how your back was, Mother.  I hope you both are fine."

                          Lots of love,



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