Saturday, July 27, 2013

November 3, 1956 Getting Out the Vote, Paying Off the Mortgage, Mamie Sends A Picture and Mrs. Nixon Sends A Pencil

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'll start this but have a gang of scouts coming to hang voting reminders on door knobs and they have started to gather now.  It's another "get out the vote" scheme for the scouts to do.  I'm tired of all the yelling and screaming and politicking.   Whoever comes out on top in this election will have to be a genius to settle affairs.  Things look bad again in the world and I guess it'll take the wrath of God to bring men to their senses and live in peace.

I have been sewing a little this week and have Ann's dress from the material you gave her about done.  I had to let out the hem and sleeves on her winter coat and get that to the cleaners.

It may turn cold any day now even it it acts like is never will.  Yesterday was a wonderful day.  I finished setting out bulbs along the drive.  They were little and scrubby so they may not amount to anything.  My neighbor gave them to me.

One day this week I cleaned my stove and spent the whole day on it.  It's so clean now I don't want to cook on it.  I never have got around to cleaning my ceilings and can't see much chance of doing it.

B was gone all day yesterday to a meeting but went with some other men so we had the car.

It was a year yesterday since we bought our house.  That was such a stormy, snowy day that we'll always remember it, I guess.  We paid part of our bank loan yesterday and want to pay the rest in the spring.  We haven't bought anything or done anything since we made that and we want to get it out of the way.

I'm supposed to send a cake to a school affair tonight.  We're not going, though.  It's a money making party and we have bought tickets.  They auction and sell everything imaginable.  This year they are having a hat auction and have hats from lots of well-known women.  Mamie sent an autographed picture and Mrs. Nixon sent a pencil.

Maybe there'll be more news to write next week.  Hope you are both fine."

                         Lots of love,



  1. The following quote of Bonnie's still holds true today
    'Things look bad again in the world and I guess it'll take the wrath of God to bring men to their senses and live in peace.'

  2. Yes, sad to say our world is troubled and I hope there is a solution out there somewhere!

  3. I always enjoy the old ads you include with your posts, as well as your mother's words.

  4. Thank you, Margaret, and thanks for reading!


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