Saturday, June 1, 2013

July 9, 1955 A Day at the Lake, The Upcoming Auction, The Turtles and The Cactus

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"It is really hot tonight.  Toni & I took the kids swimming today and now I think Bob & I have a little sunburn again.  Ann gets browner and browner.  I bought myself a bathing suit & we had lots of fun in the water.  We really enjoyed our holiday weekend.  We stayed home except for Sunday when we went to Lake Bloomington and spent the day with Mildred Wells & her son.  They were in a cottage out there and had a small beach.  The kids enjoyed the water so much.  They have old inner tubes to float on and the water was shallow.

The house next door is to be auctioned tomorrow morning.  They have moved things out of the house all week.  The children are interested in what an auction is like so they are looking forward to it.

Did I tell you our landlord came to see us one day?  We were scared he was going to raise the rent but instead he said he is going to paint the house and get it fixed up.

I haven't mailed my article to anyone else since it came back.  Woody made a few suggestions so I'm going to retype it before I send it.  I still haven't heard about the book but I'll just have to wait patiently.  They say editors never hurry.  We enjoyed the articles you sent and the card too.  I almost envy Buddy and their trip but it would be pretty warm riding far now.

Mabel George wrote me the nicest note for the clothes I gave Vicky.  Maybe I'll have more for her soon.

The turtles finally became too much work.  The children really couldn't keep them fed because they couldn't find enough bugs & worms.  They finally turned them loose & haven't wished for them since.

Bob's cactus that Beulah gave him is growing fine.  He wants one of the big leafed ones so I'll have to get one of those in August.

Hope you both are fine."

                        Lots of love,


NOTE:  Perhaps my love of auctions began at this time.  Three years later,  when I was about 8, a friend and I attended a local Kiwanis Club auction in the city park.  Just for fun I decided to join in on the active bidding for some bedroom furniture, assuming that I would easily be over-bid and that it was worth far more than I would offer.  I was horrified when no one offered a bid above mine.  Needless to say, it was understood that I was just a kid messing around and was therefore let off the hook.  I learned my lesson and was more than a little embarrassed.


  1. What is it about kids and playing in the sand in the shallows at the beach with bucket and spade or bare hands? Such fun :-)

  2. Yes--classic summer fun. I still love to dig in the sand! I think we must share a lot of the same memories!


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