Sunday, May 19, 2013

March 27, 1955 The Beautiful Day, The Miserable Day, The Rowdy Kids and The New T.V.

Dear Mother & Daddy,

"I'm really slow.  Here it is almost bedtime on Saturday night and I'm just getting my letter written.

I haven't accomplished much this week but have kept pretty busy.  We got the venetian blinds up in the bedroom and our old curtains were so near gone I decided to dye some old drapes.  I had to do the job twice and still you can see the pattern.  They don't look too bad and we are using them anyway.

Last Sunday we drove to Champaign to see our friends we met in Tokyo.  It poured rain the whole time we were there and the kids got rowdy but we had fun.  She cooked supper for us so we were late coming home.

Thursday was a beautiful day but I was on the go all day.  The wives in the Education dept. got together at 1:30 for dessert and then I dashed home to take Bob to piano at 4:00.  That night I went to another club and told Toni that I hadn't done anything but drink coffee and talk all day.

Yesterday was such a miserable day.  It snowed all day and although it thawed a little today it is awfully cold.  B and I went to a program at school last night and almost froze.  There weren't any cars on the street but there was a huge crowd at the program.

I'm still trying to house clean.  Yesterday I finished the walls in Bob's room but have the windows and floors yet.

My suit is coming along nicely but a little slow.  This cold weather has sort of taken my sewing mood.  I have to be in the mood to really get sewing done.  B took me to Bloomington this afternoon to get the lining.  He will be gone until next Wed. night and I want to sew while he's gone.  He leaves about 11:00 in the morning to go to Cleveland.  He and Jim Wheeler have hotel reservations together.  Did I tell you we decided not to go to Alabama?  Our vacations didn't coincide closely enough.  I haven't heard from Eve since I wrote we weren't coming.  She probably had a fit.

My sweeper had to be repaired so we took it downtown today.  The place that fixes it handles T.V. sets among other things and we got to looking and talking.  Tonight we own a new set.  It is an R.C.A. table model on iron legs--very simple but nice enough.  The screen is 21" and gives a good picture.  The kids are really thrilled.  We traded our old Crosley combination on it and got a good deal.  Other places wouldn't give us anything for the old radio.  It still worked well and looked nice but was in our way since B built the other radio.

I have a speech tomorrow night and have to do some work on it or it won't be much of a speech."

            Love to you both,


1 comment:

  1. I remember the big box B and W TV on metal legs. We received one station well and 2 iffy. Ann and I sat on the piano bench to watch. Slim pickings to watch-mostly old westerns and news shows were on.


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